From Idea to Scale with Hasura && KintoHub — Part 1/7

Joseph Cooper
Published in
4 min readNov 20, 2019

Hasura && KintoHub are in it to win it in the race to aid software developers to deliver ideas faster at scale. The team at KintoHub ran into Hasura’s Graphql Engine when it came out with fists flying in Github’s trending repositories back in 2018. This tool broke us into researching others like it realizing that Hasura and Graphql were going to be a major part of Kinto’s success. As a business owner or engineer, the goal to see an idea to its fruition is what gets us up and going in the morning. If there are ways to take any idea to be built faster and delivered at scale with confidence to a massive customer base — my eyes, ears, and fingertips are ready to be enlightened, listen and spill serious blood keystroking 100’s of lines of code per minute.

As a professional software engineer in the last decade, I felt outdated as an engineer when I learned Kubernetes in 2015 and Hasura in 2018. Today I tell people to give Hasura an hour of their time to understand how fast an engineer can take any idea to production. On a side note, this is the same reason why I’ve finally decided to personally explore frontend development again with react/vue or shall I say next.js/nuxt.js today. Software teams are becoming outdated faster than ever due to two simple things:

  1. The human race is producing thousands of quality software engineers annually.
  2. Due to the evolution of open source and the internet, we have a massive amount of quality solutions and code to take advantage of in building any idea.

As mentioned recently in why Render won Tech Crunch Disrupt 2019, the world today navigates through a sea of too many options in tools, frameworks, and clouds to help us deliver value to customers. Although, Hasura and KintoHub isn’t just “another option” in the sea for engineers to fall in love with ❤. Both tools share a similar goal of abstracting the world of abstractions by creating a unified interface of how you manage the cloud and how you interact with your APIs globally. Simplifying complexity without compromising power is how I like to call it. Engineers of any skill level should be able to be more easily integrated into the complex world that online cloud software development has become. And to do this, you have to curate, abstract, and unify the most powerful tools out there to be easily leveraged for any developer.

If you are just hearing about these tools for the first time. No Probz.

Hasura is making it dead simple to create CRUD graphql backends and combine them with internal or remote 3rd party APIs like Github or Stripe behind a single Graphql endpoint.

KintoHub is making it possible to package APIs, microservices, websites, databases, cloud services, functions and more across multiple clouds with zero infrastructure experience.

All sounds fine and dandy, but there’s one problem (I think). The hardcore engineering audience or serious company/developer, you name it, never fails to ask. Does it scale? Is it secure? How much control do I lose?

After playing with Hasura for a while now and running it in production on KintoHub, I realize that many of the Hasura community members are wondering how to set up Hasura for success in a production environment. Even if it’s just an exercise in a class or an app is actually seeing some demand, infrastructure complexities and cost play a huge factor in creating a truly production-grade environment. That’s where KintoHub comes in.

KintoHub uses KintoHub to manage KintoHub. We manage our own cost-effective dev environments and secure a scalable production environment with the same tools that our customers use every day. Growing pains are real for any idea that tastes scale. Although tools like KintoHub and Hasura come from startups, smell like startups and look like they are built for testing ideas that would cry at massive scale — they’re not… Hasura can handle millions of concurrent connections and KintoHub, well, is going to scale Hasura to prove that it can too! Underneath these tools lay next-generation tech built the power of open-sourced technologies from enterprise tech giants or engineers innovating the way to solve the problems of our future.

Don’t ask us for our dependency list on exactly how that’s done! But there’s a saying I’ve picked up out here in Hong Kong and becoming a father recently.

It takes a village to raise a child. In today’s world of software development, it takes a planet to deploy an app.

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Coming up next, the KintoHub team will be sharing how we collaborate in building realtime Graphql APIs using Hasura to pass data all the from the depths of our kubernetes infrastructure up to our customers who have no clue that they are interacting with kubernetes under the hood. We’ll try our best in answering all questions around Control, Security, and Scale and hope the world will let us know what they think! Best of all — everything will be made for the perspective of beginners starting in software development. From structuring projects, all the way to automated load tests, can’t wait to write the next one! Stay tuned!

  1. From Idea to Scale with Hasura && KintoHub (This Post)
  2. Git Going With Hasura and Your Team
  3. Setup a Hasura Production Environment on KintoHub (Coming Soon)
  4. Securing your Hasura Environment on KintoHub (Coming Soon)
  5. Advanced Hasura & KintoHub App: CRUD, Events, Microservices & introducing Actions! (Coming Soon)
  6. Load test Hasura to over 9000 with Vegeta && KintoHub (Coming Soon)
  7. Advanced Use Cases, Ongoing Improvements, Learnings and Retrospection (Coming Soon)

