The “X” Factor — an introduction to kipleX



Launching a company is easy.

Launching a successful company isn’t.

It’s a well-known fact that 3 out of 10 startups fail by the end of their 2nd year.

At kipleX we aim to reverse this trend and increase the chances of success for new startups.

Created “for builders, by builders”, kipleX is a team of entrepreneurs, technologists, investors and doers who have come together to help companies achieve the holy grail of organisational success: to systematise sustainable development and scaling of businesses.

We know that this is not going to be an easy journey. That’s why we refer to it as our Big Hairy Audacious Goal or “BHAG”.

Between our dynamic team of 25 dedicated talents, we have started, built, and launched over 20 businesses, including real success stories such as Supahands which was recently acquired for USD 20 million and GoCar which was acquired by the Tan Chong Group. One common thread that connects all of our ventures is that we expanded our expertise and learnt new things along the way.

At kipleX we are now bringing all those learnings together to get one step closer to achieving our BHAG. These learnings have led to the unique structure of kipleX and drive how we work today.

Focusing on innovative tech startups which we believe will drive the digital economy in the region, our set-up is designed to address the needs and challenges of these types of businesses.

We exist to build the next generation of companies that have a passion for creating innovative breakthrough solutions revolving around Fintech, Mobility, Internet of Things (IOT), Proptech and Artificial Intelligence (AI) that would transform lives across Southeast Asia.

Venture Investments

Our Venture Investment (VI) fund invests in early-stage startups across Southeast Asia and primarily within the fintech, proptech, and mobility verticals.

In addition to providing financial and investment expertise, our VI team leverages on the domain expertise of other teams including product, design and engineering (see more below) in our evaluation of investible startups. We further leverage our shared expertise in our portfolio management to provide a more integrated and strategic value to our investee companies.


A startup is more than just a product or service. For it to succeed it needs to be commercially viable — to be commercially viable it needs to ensure that it has a good product-market fit. Our Ventures team works to ensure that the commercial viability of the business is as solid as the product or service they are selling. This involves financial modelling, business model design, business development, and market research, among other things.


We don’t just help other startups; we’re also building startups ourselves and our Product team is at the heart of this. They conduct user research, identify pain points, create and prototype solutions, and then work with the Ventures, Design, and Engineering teams to ideate and structure a business around potential solutions.


A good idea and a strong business model are only part of what makes a successful product. How it looks and feels often plays a crucial role too. The world is littered with useful products that are too difficult to use and far from aesthetically appealing. The Design team takes a user-centric approach to ensure that the products and services we work on are user-friendly and look great.


Almost everybody has had an idea that they believe is going to be the next tech unicorn (or maybe something humbler). The problem is that most of us don’t have the skills to turn our ideas into reality. Visit any startup event and there will always be a few people looking for a tech co-founder. Serving in that role as your next technical co-founders, our Engineering team will make sure that whatever your idea is, you build it right.

Entrepreneur in Residence

Alongside the Product Team, we also run an Entrepreneur in Residence (EiR) programme to support serial entrepreneurs in building their next big thing. We believe that our strong team of engineers, designers, product talents and business specialists will play a pivotal role to support our EiRs in their efforts to launch their next dream venture.


Sometimes we don’t even know where to start. We know there’s a problem to be solved but we can’t quite define it. Or we have an idea but we’re not sure if it’s the right one to pursue. Our Co-Creation team acts as a catalyst for innovation and problem solving to help teams get on the right track.

Through a combination of workshops and incubator programmes our Co-Creation team helps you make sure that you’re building the right “it”, before you build it right.

At kipleX we are committed to ensuring that we grow alongside the ever-evolving tech industry. We consistently test and adapt the way we work, we learn from past mistakes, and we innovate internally as we work towards our BHAG.

If you are interested to work with us or finding out more, please contact us.

Let’s build and scale businesses together.



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kipleX is an early stage Venture Capital Fund and Startup Studio based in Kuala Lumpur. For more info -