KIPP is Community

KIPP SoCal Public Schools
KIPP SoCal Public Schools
2 min readApr 16, 2019

By Krystle Braxton, KIPP LA Family Ambassador

If I only could use one word to describe my “why” for why I chose KIPP LA Public Schools it would be “community.” I wanted my first born child to attend school in our community of South Los Angeles. I am a product of public education and, as a public school teacher myself, I felt strongly that my community could provide my daughter with that same quality of education they gave me. I wanted her to be in a school environment where other students looked like her, and where your socio-economic status didn’t have an effect on the quality of your education.

Krystle Braxton and her family.

Thus far, KIPP LA has delivered on all of this and so much more. KIPP LA has figured out the secret recipe for greatness, which is building character in children with a strong emphasis on rigorous academics. My time with KIPP LA has not always been a walk in the park, but all stakeholders have diligently worked to develop my daughter in both areas of character building and academics. My daughter has gone through several phases in her four years with KIPP LA. Some have caused me to cry, scream for joy and scratch my head asking myself “ok, what’s next?” When she’s struggled with making good choices, we worked together with the school to ensure that she comes out of each situation a better person. When she has excelled academically, she was celebrated not just by her teacher, but also by the entire administration at KIPP Empower Academy. When I have questions or concerns, I am met with honesty first and solutions second.

My daughter has learned how to appropriately navigate in a realistic setting where things are not always perfect, but you try your best and be the best you can to others you interact with. She has also had the opportunity to find what she likes in and out of academics. KIPP LA has exposed my daughter to yoga, which is something I would have never even thought to have her try, but she loves it. She also does tap dancing at her school, and is exposed to art and music. These are all experiences that help to develop her character, determination and grit. These are all experiences that I myself would not have been able to give her and, as a mother and a teacher, I am overjoyed to see the positive impact KIPP LA has had on her and my family. I look forward to her two siblings following in her footsteps as future KIPPsters.

