KIRA Launches Public Testnet

Yuri Papadin
3 min readMar 30, 2021


We are excited to announce that KIRA’s Public Testnet (testnet-1) will be officially launching on March 31st, 2021 at 12 PM UTC. Testnet-1 features the first stable release of KIRA relay chain (KIRA Hub) and includes governance module, infrastructure deployment tool and frontend application. The public testnet launch comes after an extensive private testing period over the last 90 days, during which total of 412 issues, PR’s and suggestion reports were raised and addressed thanks to 222 private testnet participants.

Games, Challenges, Rewards & Participation

The Public Testnet launch will be followed by incentivized games, challenges and competitions that will enable participants to earn KEX rewards, Validator seats and attractive monthly stipends, which will be granted to every mainnet Validator!

To join KIRA Public Testnet as a Validator, and participate in games and challenges, you will first need to fill out a submission form and provide a public address of your Validator account, along with details that will allow us to identify you as a non-sybil operator. All requests will be processed within 24–48 hours, and any relevant questions can be submitted to our support team. Only those participants, who completed the validator registration form and joined the Validator set, prior to the announcement of each incentivized event, will be able to participate in them.

Main events that enable participants to secure validator seats may include:

  • Nodes Control — join the network with as many (sybil) validator nodes as possible
  • Game of Uptime — produce longest consecutive number of blocks
  • Chain Defense — defend the network from malicious attacks and stress test the network

Additional rewards will be distributed to those participants, who submit valuable bug and vulnerability reports, along with corresponding github issues and pull requests that may help us identify potential issues and improve security and user experience. To be eligible for the rewards, after submitting the issues to the Github repository below, participants must also complete the issue report form.

Issues can be submitted via the following repositories:

We invite everyone to join our public testnet group on Telegram and begin exploring the testnet environment to gain competitive advantage before the first challenges are announced. Winners, who acquire validator seats, will have a unique opportunity to take part in the launch of the Mainnet release and acquire unique genesis NFT tokens that will be the first stakeable non-fungible assets on the KIRA Network.

How to Join the Public Testnet

All essential information about joining the current and future test networks will be released and actively curated via our dedicated GitHub repository

In order to launch your first sentry or validator node it is critical to get familiar with the basic setup guides as presented in our previous blog posts. Each post describes detailed steps and provides definitions of key components that each user will encounter during the Public Testnet:

To find your validator account address, after joining the testnet-1 network, simply open KIRA Manager and navigate to the validator container manager.

