Book Review — A Drizzle in the Desert

A Drizzle in the Desert — by P C Balasubramanian

Kiranmayi G
Kiranmayi Reviews
3 min readDec 2, 2018


Publisher: Inkstate

Pages: 232

Price: Rs. 249 INR(Paperback)

ISBN: 978–9352010868

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Abhi has no reasons to complain — he lives in the Land of the Dreams, the United States of America. He is working in a large retail conglomerate and has the trust and respect of his management. He is being offered the opportunity to set up India operations for the company. His best friend from IIT is his colleague. He is married to the girl he loves. And he has an angel for a daughter. And yet, he suddenly finds his life spiraling down. His wife Anjali suspects him of having an affair with his bestie, Deepali, who is undergoing marital problems. And she does not like Abhi’s father Sundaram dedicating his life to an unrelated person Vasudevan — a man whom even Abhi loves like a father. Abhi is also burdened by a request — Vasu’s last wish that Sundaram hopes Abhi will be able to fulfill. Will Abhi be able to fulfill it? Will Anjali understand and accept him? Will Deepali find happiness? Will there be a drizzle in the desert, will life bring back the lost happiness.

My take on the book:

Abhi has the perfect life many would envy to have - lovely wife Anjali who was his erstwhile classmate, and their family is complete with a sweet daughter. He has a high paying job and his boss has complete faith in him to extend their company operations in India. However, things start getting worse, as Abhi tries to help out their classmate and now colleague Deepali. Deepali’s marriage to Karthik is on the verge of a split and Abhi’s involvement in trying to save her marriage makes Anjali uncomfortable suspecting a probable affair between her husband and Deepali.

In addition to this, Abhi’s father Sundaram decides to stay back away from their family with his friend Vasu, catering to Vasu’s needs only, his entire life revolving around Vasu. This relation between Sundaram and Vasu is also a matter of contention between Abhi and Anjali. Rest of story is about how Abhi sorts the issues in his life and if finally there comes a drizzle in the life of Abhi and people around him, Deepali, Anjali, Sundaram and Vasu.

The characters are well etched and developed, each having their own graph and place in the narration. The story is a wonderful family narrative with the right amount of emotions. Abhi’s family, Deepali and Karthik, Sundaram and Vasu, all the characters get the right amount of footage. Abhi establishing the new office in India is also dealt with nicely. The book has a good pace and engrosses the reader from the first page.

However, the language used is good in some parts and in others leaves much to be desired. It doesnt feel like prose but sounds more conversational. Better editing at places could have made the book a much better read.

Pick this one for a interesting family drama, laced with the right emotions and perfect characters. The book is unputdownable and makes for a quick, enjoyable read.

My rating


