Book review — I quit! Now what?

I quit! Now what? Author — Zarreen Khan.

Kiranmayi G
Kiranmayi Reviews
2 min readDec 31, 2017


Nimisha is exhausted. Of endless weekdays, working weekends, making presentations, working with complicated Excel sheets, handling a boss with time-management issues and the general politics of the workplace. Sigh! After eight years of this life, her only personal insight is that she’s terribly unambitious and constantly struggling to be an average performer in the competitive corporate world.

When a colleague flashes the glint of a golden sabbatical she catapults into it headfirst. After all, one has to find one’s calling at some point in one’s life.

So will the sabbatical miraculously change her life forever? Or will she go rushing back to her pocket money-generating job?

My take on this book:

The book has a very interesting and unique premise of an overworked professional jumping at the opportunity to take a sabbatical and later figuring out life during such break from daily grind. This is a light, short read with fun characters. The protagonist Nimisha as well as her friend gang are very endearing characters who can be related to instantly. Unlike other chick lit fiction novels, the story and characters are not just candy floss while keeping the proceedings interesting. Each have their own identity and add to the story.

Nimisha represents millennials who get caught into a routine and profession which gets boring over a period of time and when they want to break free, peer pressure comes into play. The story explores the modern time relations and societal norms in a fun way while not getting preachy. While the end is predictable and a happy one, yet the flow is quite gripping. The story also explores the opportunities individuals can pursue which can be both financially and creatively fulfilling.

During her sabbatical, Nimisha tries her hand at all sorts of hobbies, only to realize how even a passionate hobby can be transformed to a full time profession, which is gratifying as well as rewarding.

Overall the book makes for a good read and if you are a working professional at a mid career confusion, its time for retrospection like Nimisha :)

My rating:


