Book Review — MBA May be This or Maybe That: 37 things we didn’t learn in B-Schools by Abhaidev

Maybe This or Maybe That : 37 things we didn’t learn in B-Schools — Abhaidev

Kiranmayi G
Kiranmayi Reviews
3 min readSep 4, 2018


Publisher: Pebbls Publishing House


Price: Rs. 150 INR(Paperback)

ISBN: 978–8193160206

Buy here:

Why most guys feel that “MBA girls” are not good marriage material? Why every other MBA is turning into a candid photographer or a best-selling author? Apart from answering such quirky questions, Abhaidev in his debut book-“Maybe this or maybe that — 37 things we didn’t learn in B-Schools” has tried articulating what many MBA graduates have thought of but couldn’t. Worth read for those who have “been there, done that” and also for those who aspire to join the MBA brethren in the near future.

About the author

Abhaidev is the pen name of Mayank Chandna, an MDI Gurgaon alumnus. He quit his boring investment banking career to venture into the ‘exciting’ world of writing, something he had always dreamt of as a child. His penchant towards continental philosophy and craze about progressive house music has nettled his simple parents. Like most MBAs he loves flaunting his non-existent photography skills through watermarking the handy work of his DSLR. Once working as a perfunctory 10 hour shift finance employee, he now loves his 24x7 job of being a writer and an entrepreneur.

My take on this book

This book is written by an MBA graduate Abhaidev where he explains some popular notions, myths and beliefs about doing Management studies and what outcome students taking this courses expect versus the reality. In contrast to a serious management book this book takes an easier route while explaining these concepts. The author gives a very interesting name and heading for each topic and explains them by taking a very relatable real life example.

The names of each of these topics is the highlight of the book; sample these —

How blue is my ocean? — is about fancy vocabulary and jaragon used in the management world

Poker Faced? Are you? — is about the wisdom one can display by actually hiding their emotions

Dual Core — Quad Core — Octa Core — is about multitasking

Lets all be a Makkhi-choos — the art of selling any product to anyone

Since the author is himself an MBA graduate all the information given is first hand. The book doesn’t try to teach or preach in formal academic terms, rather explains concepts in a more realistic and lighter way. The author tries to demystify the general notions students getting into such courses carry and how disappointment can be avoided by not blindly trusting such popular beliefs.

As much as the author keeps the context of the book restricted to only MBA course and common concepts related to it, the book is relevant for students from other disciplines as well. In fact, it is a good reference for managers without MBA background as well. The book is indeed about the things an MBA college doesn’t explicitly teach but is needed for navigating the professional world with an MBA degree in hand.

At less than 100 pages and with a good 37 topics covered, the book makes for an easy and interesting read. Do read it at different points in career and life and each time the same concepts are sure to give a renewed and different perspective.

This book review is a part of “The Readers Cosmos Book Review Program and Blog Tours, for details log on to"

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