Book Review — The Big Switch

The Big Switch — John Thomas

Kiranmayi G
Kiranmayi Reviews
3 min readMar 10, 2018


What does a 24-year-old man want in life?
A decent job?
Keith has both. He is a software engineer at a reputable company and has a girlfriend whom he loves a lot.
Yet, there is something missing in his life. He is not even close to being happy.
Only after losing his girlfriend, he realizes what the reason for his unhappiness is.
He realizes that he is caught up in the wrong career.
With time running out, he knows that he must switch to a new career — one that makes him happy.
But, is 24 too late to do that? Is he making a mistake?
Find out as Keith follows his heart in pursuit of an impossible-looking dream.

My take on this book

The book starts on a routine note and initially looks like contemporary fiction which revolves around young people in high paying but highly stressful and creatively dis-satisfying jobs. A lot of young readers will be able to relate to the conflicts faced by the protagonist Keith personally and professionally. A tough boss who makes life hell for him but doesn’t reward enough; a girlfriend who is more demanding and less understanding.

Story and Keith’s life take a turn when he meets his future mentor Ramesh during a work assignment. Ramesh is a contrast from Keith’s boss Mathur; Ramesh inspires Keith, initially with his positive outlook towards work, and later with his past story.

What follows is Keith’s initial dilemma about what career choice to make, and how to prepare to make the big switch. And how he meets his future girlfriend and how she brings the better changes in Keith’s life. The journey is definitely filled with ups and downs and every time when he is elated about success and happiness, life keeps throwing more challenges at Keith.

The story is about the undying spirit of Keith with motivation and support from his friends. While Keith always sounds upset and disappointed with himself and extremely self critical, Keith’s friend Brijesh sums it up perfectly how Keith is the extraordinary guy who keeps falling but keeps rising back again.

This is the debut novel of the author John and given the protagonist's journey through the book, reader will doubt on multiple occasions if the story is inspired from the writer’s life itself. This is no literary novel nor a very unique concept. But what works in favor of the book are the simple and relatable characters, circumstances that Keith goes through and all through the story reader wants Keith to overcome his obstacles and finally succeed. It is a quick and easy read and a positive, inspiring story which tries to teach that it is never too late nor impossible to make that big switch in life.

My rating


