Self-Organizing Maps with — Step 2: Training the SOM Module with a Learner

Riccardo Sayn
Kirey Group
Published in
3 min readJul 22, 2020

This is the second part of the Self-Organizing Maps with article series.

All the code has been published in this repository and this PyPi library.


In case you’re unfamiliar with how is organized, here’s a quick intro to get you up to speed. defines a class named Learner that is in charge of training our models. The learning process can then be customized by using Callbacks that the Learner will invoke during the training cycle.

Fastai Learner callbacks

In the previous article, we implemented a fast Self-Organizing Map using PyTorch. Now, we will refactor the model from step 1 into a Learner subclass. We want to achieve something like this:

Creating the Learner

We can start by creating a SomLearner class. Learners accept a DataBunch item as a constructor parameter, so let’s do the same:

Notice that we are also receiving a list of Callbacks inside our constructor.

Passing data to the SomLearner

The next step is creating a DataBunch that our SomLearner can use to train the model. For this purpouse, we will define another class that will take care of doing the required transformations to turn a torch.Tensor into a DataLoader .

I won’t go over the details here, since we will have the chance to familiarize with DataLoaders and other concepts in a dedicated article in the series.

Now that we have our DataBunch, we can try and train our model:

Unfortunately, this will not work. We are missing one key component in the training loop: a loss function.

Adding a loss function

As we said before, the SOM model has a weight update mechanism that is slightly different from other neural architectures, as it doesn’t have an explicit loss function to backpropagate; rather, it relies on the weight update rule we saw in the previous article (remember?).

In our example training loop, we were invoking the backward() step manually:, on the other hand, expects a loss function, and will call loss.backward() on the output Tensor to back-propagate the error into each layer (usually with PyTorch’s autograd feature).

One way to solve this problem would be to manually redirect the loss.backward() call to our model.backward() . To do this, we’ll need a couple more classes:

Let’s create a placeholder loss function that always returns zero, just to make sure everything is working as intended:

Plus, we need to change our SOM to make sure that input data is available to update the weights during the backward() step. To do so, we will store the last input batch and Best Matching Units in a dictionary.

Now that everything is in place, we can train our model with

Visualizing loss with

Now that everything is handled by our Learner, we can easily see how our model is performing. First, let’s define an actual loss function:

SOM loss function

Then, let’s pass it to our Learner and plot the loss: training recap
Loss over time

Our SomLearner now works perfectly! Unfortunately, the loss plot look really bad because we’re missing a key step in our SOM training process: hyperparameter scaling.

In the next article, we will have an in-depth look at how to perform different hyperparameter update strategies and change our model’s behaviour by using Callbacks.

