⚽️ Football World Cup KIRIK Betting Prize ⚽️

Vitaly Gumirov
Published in
1 min readJun 21, 2018

Love Football? Get KRK! 💥

✔️Guess any game on World Cup via KIRIK bot and get 100 KRK for each guessed score.

✔️You also can become a cool investor and make x10 on your won KRK just in one month by telling your friends about Football World Cup KIRIK Betting Prize. For 10 referrals you will get x10 on your won KRK.

✔️Don’t want to invite friends but want to get x10? Just make a deposit during Pre-Sale or Sale at least for $1K.

How to participate:

1️. Do Whitelisting via https://t.me/KIRIKcoin_bot
2️. Guess as many games as you want at least 24 hours before the games via tg://resolve?domain=KIRIKcoin_bot&start=contest2018
3️. Wait for game’s result!

So now you guys know what to do 😉
Don’t miss your chance to get free KRK!

