KIRIK’s team is now in Asian roadshow

Vitaly Gumirov
Published in
2 min readSep 3, 2018

Here is something about our trip to Tokyo 👇

We met with 3 funds to discuss investment opportunities and project participation. We also met with several IT companies focused on blockchain solutions (payment services, decentralized A.I., etc.). In this visit, the team managed to communicate with 3 of Japan’s key crypto influencers.

✔️ We also held meetings with several crypto projects to exchange knowledge about product development and foreign market penetration. KIRIK’s team spoke to one of the largest financial groups in the world, as well as with high-ranking officials of the Japan Blockchain Association.

KIRIK’s technology was understood and supported
by everyone we spoke to without exception, despite the mathematical complexity behind its theory. According to our Japanese meeting partners, many people have been waiting for this technology for a long time — and its arrival is welcome, expected and necessary.

Here are some photos for you 😏

With R3 Ventures at WeWork Ginza
With blockchain enthusiast, developer and business implementor Shinohara Hiro

📍 Next stop — Seoul! Hopefully see you there 😏

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