πŸŽ‰ The First KIRIK Ask Me Anything Session πŸŽ‰

Vitaly Gumirov
Published in
1 min readJun 18, 2018

πŸ”” We are announcing that the First KIRIK AMA session will be held on Thursday, June 21!

Are you ready for it? 😏 πŸ”₯

πŸ“ Right now we are in process of collecting the questions that you may have to pass to our team experts. They will answer to them during the video-conference.

❗️Prepare your questions, we know you have some! We are looking forward to see them in the comments section.

πŸ“Œ Our team experts will explain you all the details about KIRIK project and Semantic Contracts that are still not clear for you.

