A safe everyday life

Every year, the Danes are hit by 580,000 injuries. As a result, local insurance companies pay out 8 billion Danish Kroners annually in compensation. Insurance is about security and trust, but how do you design it? Along with Tryg, we investigated how.

Kirk, Hatch & Bloom
Kirk, Hatch and Bloom
2 min readFeb 17, 2020



Trust and security are essential aspects of insurance. We need to feel safely covered, and trust our insurance company to cover our back when hit by an accident. Trust and security are built over time through relationships. But insurances occupy little in consumer awareness. How can we strengthen the insurance relationship and build trust with insurance customers?

“Kirk, Hatch & Bloom has a special ability to operate and facilitate design thinking and user-driven innovation with great knowledge and understanding of our customer’s needs. Their facilitation of customer interviews coupled with their digital capabilities and strong competencies within concept development has created great value for the strategic work with the future Tryg Insurance.”

- Nicolai Bauer, Head of Strategy and Development


Together with Tryg, we conducted an anthropologically based in-home study with Danish consumers aged 18–73. We explored life quality in relation to: the past, the present and the future. We learnt about key life situations and changing security needs in relation to a customer’s overall experience with insurance. This led to a large number of insights, which we together with Tryg qualified in an insight workshop. Together we developed concrete ideas for how Tryg can provide additional value to their customers.

Ideas and hypotheses were subsequently tested in a number of in-depth, individual test interviews with selected users. Thus, a qualitatively validated foundation and focus was created for a 3-day design sprint, where together with Tryg we developed and tested concrete prototypes for new insurance services.


The final solution was a new service concept that delivers internal and external value across both digital and physical touchpoints — while strengthening Tryg’s existing value proposition. Insights, the service concept and strategic framework have been used to further develop new services and products at Tryg.


  • Field studies and in-depth interviews with insurance customers
  • Insight workshop with Tryg
  • Individual test interviews with insurance customers
  • Digital prototype
  • Test film with test insights
  • Concept Movie
  • Report with strategic recommendations


Organizational buy-in for a new strategic direction, together with validated opportunities for building stronger customer relationships.

For more info contact: Michael@khbstudio.com



Kirk, Hatch & Bloom
Kirk, Hatch and Bloom

We’re a Scandinavian design and innovation studio located in Copehagen and Vejle, Denmark. We build sustainable brand, products and services.