KIRO is now available on Binance Smart Chain (PancakeSwap)

Alex Goldberg
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2021
KIRO is now available on Binance Smart Chain

We are proud to announce that Kirobo’s KIRO token is now live on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) — it’s available via ChainPort and PancakeSwap as a cross chain bridge between KIRO and WKIRO.

PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange that allows you to trade cryptocurrencies and tokens without a centralized intermediary, keeping custody of your tokens all the while.

It is built with smart contracts deployed on Binance Smart Chain, the blockchain platform run by crypto exchange Binance.

PancakeSwap is used by traders to swap tokens on BSC. This means that from now on, any token found on PancakeSwap can be swapped for KIRO (the BSC-bridged version).

This foothold on Binance Smart Chain is an important milestone for Kirobo, KIRO, and the community!

Swapping process

In order to use KIRO on PancakeSwap, just follow these easy steps:

  1. Transfer the KIRO ERC-20 token to BSC via
  2. After clicking ‘TRANSFER’, wait for two block confirmations.
  3. - you will now be able to swap your KIRO to ETH.

It is advisable to always verify that you’re swapping the KIRO token by confirming the correct contract address on BSC:

This video explains the correct way to connect MetaMask to Binance Smart Chain:

Or if you prefer written instructions:

The article is not investment advice and must be used for informational purposes only. It is very important to do your own analysis. You can use KIRO for utility purposes only. Israeli, Canadian, and USA citizens cannot buy KIRO.



Alex Goldberg

A huge crypto fan. I believe that the decentralized world is the future, Blockchain technology is changing the world.