Could This Be a Portal?

Take a look at this unedited video.

Okay, so here’s the deal. We have trailcams and video cameras at various parts of our property. We have caught some interesting footage in the past, but this one is pretty special.

Check it out.

You see, this camera was not supposed to be there. Virginia is filled with cardinals. (That’s why it’s the cardinal state.) These little beauties can get pretty aggressive when it comes to strange things in their territory, so every once in a while, probably when they see the lights on the cameras, they attack them. Pretty funny, right?

Well, a bird attacked this one and knocked it to the ground. It sat there, pointed up to the sky recording anything that moved until we retrieved it.

It recorded some things that were not extraordinary, like a spider.

It also recorded this strange black circle that seemed to appear and also has a red dot in the middle that went around the circle until the video ended.

If the bird had not knocked this over, we would have never caught this footage.

Confession time: I have no idea what to make of it. However, I do have a theory that it’s a portal.

This is not the first time one of our cameras captured something portal-like on this property. We caught still photos of black spots in the sky, but we didn’t make anything of it because they seemed to be within the sun. I thought it was just a camera effect, but my husband was more insistent that it could be a portal.

Now, with this new footage, it adds credibility to my husband’s theory.

How else can we describe a black spot with lights inside it going around in circles during the day?

Here’s the thing. I read some time back that we have a magnetic portal right next to earth, so in my book, I used that information to explain some phenomenon happening to my characters. Let me know if you spotted the information about the portal in it.

Ways to Get Inside Dweller: Genesis for FREE!

Okay, check out this book review:

5.0 out of 5 stars It’s a five star story BUT

Reviewed in the United States on March 6, 2024

It’s a five star story but it’s 4am and I am afraid to sleep.

This is not your typical story arc. I have no idea why I got this book(maybe the kick-ass cover?)

BUT it caught me, it creeped me out, it would not let me put it down.

Yes it would qualify as a Paranormal story but it is to me a Thriller, a Mystery and a thorough breakdown of the Evil we possess.

Kudos to the writer. You made my mind all twisty turny and I plan to call my therapist in the morning.

You know, I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

However, the way my mind is churning right now? The book should be classified as Horror.

You can get this book on for free if you have a Kindle account:

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Please leave a review! It’ll give you good karma.

Happy reading!

About the Author

Kirsten Schuder‘s first publishing venture with her coauthors, Farming Industrial Hemp Not Your Daddy’s Tobacco earned an international award only three months after publication. Their book has been influential in the establishment and legalization of America’s newest agricultural crop. Her science-fantasy book, Inside Dweller: Genesis, was published in September, 2023 and is widely available. Kirsten has published hundreds of articles and blog posts as a writer and journalist and edited thousands more as an expert mental health editor, including for the mammoth wikiHow. Through Apex Literary Management, she manages the boutique literary agency and represents bestselling authors. Finally, she writes whatever the heck she wants in Kirsten’s Short Attention Span on Medium.



Kirsten Schuder, M. S., Mental Health Counseling
Kirsten’s Short Attention Span

Kirsten Schuder lives a double life as an international award-winning nonfiction author and editor while carrying on a secret love affair as a fiction author.