Ghosts, Sun Spots, Solar Flares, and Acid Dropping from the Sky

These are the reasons we thought could be responsible for yesterday.

Do you ever have a day where, despite your best efforts, any progress you make in a day comes with such painstaking effort, you have to wonder if everyone is experiencing some sort of dimensional shift?

Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels

It’s one thing if I am the only one who is having a difficult day, but when my husband and son had the same exact issues while out and around while I and my button (my daughter) stayed home, it has to make me wonder if there is something else going on that is beyond our control.

We humans like to think that we are in control of everything, don’t we? The truth is, we may not be in control of anything at all. We pray, so then we think if it works out, God likes us well enough to give us a helping hand. Thus, we are still masters of our universe.

Now, don’t think that I’m putting down God and praying. I have prayed to God, and God has helped me. The person sent to help me gave me a direct message. Kid you not. I will tell you all about that one soon. However, there are times I wonder how much can we control in our lives? Exploring this thought has created a great deal of disquiet in me from time to time.

We don’t know what forces guide and control our lives, not fully. Some say God, but that could be a limited view. Perhaps there are other forces and dimensions at work in the universe. In our physical form, we have a tiny, limited view.

Well, God could be the great overseer of everything, and God is in charge of all the forces of the universe. That’s all well and good. However, it makes me wonder what could influence our lives at any point of time. God might be the boss, but he couldn’t possibly control everything. If he could, he chooses not to control everything, most likely for our own benefit so we can learn lessons. If he did control everything and everyone, Earth and humanity would be in better shape, but we would not progress in our understanding.

Yesterday, these thoughts originated from something quite mundane.

The day began with a power-outage, right after my husband and son took off for Knoxville, Tennessee. No reason for it. It was like someone was screwing around with us and turned off our power. When I called to report the outage, the moment I hung up, the power came back on again. This event kicked off a frustrating couple of hours for all of us.

Then, I was trying to buy my son a gourmet dinner and have it shipped here for his birthday. The card I used two days prior had the balance available. The company called me yesterday and told me the card didn’t process, so I had to provide another form of payment. Even though the first card had more than enough on it, I hung up and proceeded to find another card with a balance sufficient enough to cover the bill.

Without going into the mundane details of these transactions, two hours later, I was finally able to process the payment. I offered at least one other card with a balance, and the payment still wouldn’t go through. I also had to explain the information on the cards several times to each person I spoke on the phone with, and even after they seemed to get it, at least four different people misspoke some information on the card after it was processed. Weird!

I even called on one card to get the balance, and the company could not find it! Even weirder! Even so, I managed to get a balance, and it had enough on it. With little confidence that the card would go through, I used the ghost card to make the purchase after the bank guaranteed me it should, and I was proven wrong for my lack of faith. Even though the payment went through, the person I spoke with called my husband James instead of his real name! I had to ask him three times if the payment went through for obvious reasons.

If it happens once, it’s a mistake. Twice, it’s a strange coincidence. Three or more times is a pattern, and yesterday, none of the electronics would work with anyone I contacted and no one seemed to understand what I said. I felt like I had to say things several times to people, like my voice’s volume had been turned down or that something was disrupting people’s actual thought processes so they could not think straight around me.

After a frustrating time, I was able to spend time with my daughter, and we had a ball.

However, when I spoke with my husband and son later that night, when they came back from their trip to Knoxville, Tennessee, they had the same exact issues! They stated that they had to try three or four times with getting their credit cards to process, not just in one place, but at least one other, and for the people they spoke with, they had to repeat themselves all day. As proof, they explained that while ordering their food, they had to tell the waitress seven times, “No cheese” on their burgers. She would say, “Cheese.” “No, no cheese.” “Cheese?” “No cheese!” “Cheese?” “Two bacon burgers, fries, no cheese!”

I swear, you can’t make this stuff up.

So, same exact issues, an hour and a half drive from each other, same exact time of day. If it happens to only me, I’m just going through something that day. Maybe my biorhythms are off, I would rationalize. However, for my son and husband and I to experience the same issues while apart from each other multiple times each within the same three-hour window, it’s more like an event.

To process our unexplainable day, we came up with theories. I said it seemed like someone dropped acid from the sky. We decided it could have been more like a dimensional shift. Maybe our decision to buy a fifth greenhouse as part of our farming business put us into a weird, energetic shift. We see the purchase as a positive thing, but we have learned that if there is a pattern, we need to pay attention to it.

The other options could have been solar flares or sun spots. These have been known to cause electrical disruptions. For example, there were solar flares on October 28th, just a couple of weeks ago. Funny, but that weekend, we were again travelling in Knoxville, and we stayed overnight in a hotel. It turns out, we could not access the hotel’s wifi that weekend.

I researched this possibility, but I could not find any proof of solar storms. I don’t believe in the matrix theory, but it’s like everyone and everything we dealt with yesterday glitched the moment they came into contact with us.

The other possibility we chased down was that a spirit was attached to the guitar my son had just gotten in, so I cleared the guitar with burning sage and then went all throughout the house to clear it. The south seems to be a fairly active area for paranormal activity. Not that it was any less active when we lived in the Oneonta-Binghamtom area of New York, or the Bronx for that matter, but ghosts always seem to be a possibility around here, especially since we are northerners. There are people around here, and I’m sure ghosts, who will never like us because of that very fact alone.

This is not an assumption, by the way. A neighbor told this to us word-for-word regarding a neighbor down the road. Both neighbors’ families settled the town we are in. We were told in confidence, and in no uncertain terms, to expect that our neighbor down our dirt road would never become chummy with us for that very reason.

Regardless, we had a hell of a day. Whether it was ghosts, sun spots, solar flares, acid dropping from the sky, or a glitch in the matrix, we humans have a lot to learn.



Kirsten Schuder, M. S., Mental Health Counseling
Kirsten’s Short Attention Span

Kirsten Schuder lives a double life as an international award-winning nonfiction author and editor while carrying on a secret love affair as a fiction author.