Ways to Describe Myself

One shade off from crazy cat lady

Eduardo González via Pexels

I have no concept of what others think about me. Some must be positive thoughts, and others might be negative. When we go through life, I don’t think it’s possible to skate through without pissing someone off.

Most of us don’t really want to explore the inner depths of other people’s concept of us, unless we are surrounded by a group of friends and family who tell us how great we are. I am lucky enough to have obtained that in my life.

It took time to build that family, even though it’s a bit small. My best friend, my husband, and I have two wonderful children, and we are all very supportive but honest with each other. We are all skilled communicators so that if we have some advice or feedback, we are able to express ourselves in ways that are kind and considerate.

However, I do have my own self-concept, but I am not sure others would agree.

One Shade Off from Crazy Cat Lady

No, I don’t have a house full of cats. I just have one at the moment, although I had two cats at one time in my twenties and thirties. However, if I had the time and money, I could picture myself keeping a handful of them around.

Happy-Go-Lucky and Easygoing

I had always thought I am easy-going until a conversation with my family. I said to my husband once, “I’m pretty easygoing, right?”

He just gave a “Weeeeeelllll…”

“What, I’m not easygoing?”

His reply: “That’s not exactly what comes to mind when I think about you.”

I was shocked. Maybe it was because he was married to me. All husbands must have some issue with their wives, I reasoned, so I went to another source.

I asked my son if I am easy-going. He said, “Well, you’re more easy-going now than you were when I was a kid.”

When I think about it, my childhood family is actually full of difficult women. Maybe I’m easy-going in comparison to them.

Quiet and Shy

When I was little, I remember being painfully shy, well into elementary school. I made great bully bait.

Anyone who knows or has met me insists that I am not shy. They don’t realize that the shy girl is still in there somewhere.

Ah, well. One of my favorite activities is to poke fun at myself. And to parody music genres and stupid television shows and Youtube videos.

In reality, though, I don’t want to be known for who I am but for what I can write.

Ways to Get Inside Dweller: Genesis for FREE!

Okay, check out this book review:

5.0 out of 5 stars It’s a five star story BUT

Reviewed in the United States on March 6, 2024

It’s a five star story but it’s 4am and I am afraid to sleep.

This is not your typical story arc. I have no idea why I got this book(maybe the kick-ass cover?)

BUT it caught me, it creeped me out, it would not let me put it down.

Yes it would qualify as a Paranormal story but it is to me a Thriller, a Mystery and a thorough breakdown of the Evil we possess.

Kudos to the writer. You made my mind all twisty turny and I plan to call my therapist in the morning.

You know, I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

However, the way my mind is churning right now? The book should be classified as Horror.

You can get this book on Amazon.com for free if you have a Kindle account:

You can also hit up these Bookfunnels:

Please leave a review! It’ll give you good karma.

Happy reading!

About the Author

Kirsten Schuder‘s first publishing venture with her coauthors, Farming Industrial Hemp Not Your Daddy’s Tobacco earned an international award only three months after publication. Their book has been influential in the establishment and legalization of America’s newest agricultural crop. Her science-fantasy book, Inside Dweller: Genesis, was published in September, 2023 and is widely available. Kirsten has published hundreds of articles and blog posts as a writer and journalist and edited thousands more as an expert mental health editor, including for the mammoth wikiHow. Through Apex Literary Management, she manages the boutique literary agency and represents bestselling authors. Finally, she writes whatever the heck she wants in Kirsten’s Short Attention Span on Medium.



Kirsten Schuder, M. S., Mental Health Counseling
Kirsten’s Short Attention Span

Kirsten Schuder lives a double life as an international award-winning nonfiction author and editor while carrying on a secret love affair as a fiction author.