Kirsty McLeod: The six reasons having a business coach is a no brainer

Danielle Dunn
Kirsty McLeod
Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2022

“Success is rarely a solo effort,” claims award winning entrepreneur Kirsty McLeod. The USA-based entrepreneur advocates entrepreneurship, and she recognizes the integral role a business coach can play in someone’s journey to success.

Kirsty McLeod has a number of business coaches that she has amassed over the years. “The role of a business coach should not be under-estimated. It’s extremely beneficial to have people to turn to for advice and guidance, and they have played an integral role in my success,” said Kirsty McLeod.

Kirsty McLeod: The six reasons having a business coach is a no brainer

More than just coaching, business coaches offer a valuable outside perspective, an unbiased view and provide solutions to obstacles. Kirsty McLeod believes that having a business coach is a no brainer, and the entrepreneur and business owner has revealed the main advantages of having a business coach.

1. Mentorship

“For me, the most important role of a business coach is that of a mentor,” said Kirsty McLeod. A business coach will be there to listen to any ideas or problems and offer actionable solutions as well as asking powerful questions to challenge thinking.

2. Success management

“It is important to have a business coach who has already achieved the level of success you aspire to,” states Kirsty McLeod. A good business coach has quality experiences that can help their mentee successfully navigate through different situations and scenarios.

3. Brainstorming

The key to business success is never to stand still and to innovate constantly. A business coach will cultivate ideas, offer a fresh perspective, and help to action those ideas to get results.

4. Prioritisation

For most entrepreneurs and business owners, there comes a time when they find themselves struggling to keep up, and prioritisation is necessary. Business coaches help to determine the high priority tasks and act like a co-captain to help steer the ship.

5. Reignite your passion

The road to success is full of ups and downs, and at some point, people experience frustration and burnout and forget why they started. A business coach can help someone to reignite their passion and overcome any issues that led to the frustration.

6. Accountability

When goals are kept private it can be easy not to follow through. Involving someone else creates accountability. “A good business coach will hold you to your goals and help you to maintain motivation to achieve them,” said Kirsty McLeod.

“We could all benefit from someone who provides a neutral, outside perspective and keeps us committed and motivated to succeed,” said Kirsty McLeod.

Kirsty McLeod encourages all aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners to find a business coach and take their career to the next level.

