Satellite NDVI imagery now on mobile app 🛰

Georgina Knock
Published in
2 min readApr 21, 2020

Excitingly, satellite imagery is now available automatically on all plots within the UK. NDVI (Normalised Difference Vegetation Index) imagery, overlaid on plots, can be viewed in the mobile app. We have chosen the NDVI index because it is a great proxy for the green biomass of a crop.

The NDVI Scale

It is one of the most universal remote crop monitoring systems and can compensate for changes in light conditions due to the weather and aspect of the land. NDVI imagery is captured every 3–5 days, but cloud cover often obscures some of these images.

The KisanHub engineers have made it possible for you to access the benefits of NDVI imagery, allowing our users to monitor their crop’s health easily from the app anywhere, any time.

Source | Earth Observation System website

How does NDVI work?

NDVI cleverly measures plant health from how light is reflected at certain frequencies. One main health indicator of a plant is chlorophyll, which strongly absorbs visible light and reflects near-infrared light. By monitoring these changes, you will be able to see the health of your crop more accurately and react faster.

To learn more about how this feature can help you and your business, please contact our team on



Georgina Knock
Writer for

Passionate about everything related to food and farming!