Plan Your Life Around Your Work

Kiss Corporate Goodbye
2 min readSep 24, 2018

What if you could plan your work around your life and put your priorities first? Do you think you’d be happier and more productive? Imagine if more employers embraced putting life before work! Until we were introduced to network marketing, We didn’t know this lifestyle was possible. We were taught to go to a good school, get a good education, get a good job and make a good living. What we realized is, “good” is the enemy of great! In order to have a great life, it’s important to live life on your terms.

The idea of planning our work around our lives is why we “Kissed Corporate Goodbye” in favor of a non-traditional career. Network marketing is one of the few professions where you can truly plan your work around your life and priorities and still earn a significant income. Not only that, it’s provided us the flexibility to prioritize our families and our health.

While entrepreneurship may be the American dream, starting your own traditional business for many is going to lead you right back to where you were in a corporate business. Granted, you are building your business for yourself, but chances are you will work longer hours for less money.

If you are considering changing careers or if you merely want to put your life before your work, here are a few tips to help you create more balance in your life:

  • Make a list of your non-negotiables and schedule them in your calendar.
  • Find some quiet time every day to really think about what you want and what brings you joy. Meditation is a great practice.
  • Exercise. It might sound cliché but so many people get great ideas when they are working out, but more importantly exercise will make you feel great!
  • Set some boundaries. There will always be work to do. Learn to turn it off.
  • Talk to someone who has mastered this and learn from them what worked and didn’t work.
  • Look for a business that enables you to work from anywhere and is digital

It will be hard to not be caught up in the day to day grind. Find areas in your day where you can focus on the life you want. Once you have a clear vision of what you want, more opportunities will come your way.



Kiss Corporate Goodbye

Our mission is to empower you to build residual asset income so you can escape the Golden Handcuffs and live life on YOUR terms!