Show me the money!

Kiss Corporate Goodbye
3 min readJul 29, 2018

The average employee gets a 3% pay raise every year. If you are making $50,000 a year that means, if you are lucky, you will get an annual pay increase of $1,500. After taxes, you are looking at about $1,200. You don’t have to be a math wizard to figure out your raise is only $100 more a month. Talk about a gut punch. My guess is you are worth more than 3%.

It’s time to get paid what you are worth. It’s time to get paid for your efforts. It’s time to start building your life, not just earning a paycheck. It is possible, however, there aren’t many ways to do it. In our opinion, the best way is by building a network marketing business because you control not just your hours, but your paycheck. With your efforts, you can give yourself a raise every month. You control your business, your paycheck and your destiny.

Yes we did say you control your paycheck. It is directly correlated to your effort. If you are a high achiever, the sky’s the limit. If you like to sit back and collect a paycheck, Network Marketing is probably not for you. In Network Marketing, you get paid by adding value to others. Either through cutting edge products or through the life changing business. It’s up to you! You are the boss!

Most importantly you are building asset income, income that is going to pay you every month for the rest of your life!

If you are stuck in a 9–5 the problem is that it’s an incredibly limited, linear process. Work an hour, earn a dollar; work two hours, earn two dollars. Or you have a set salary that someone else dictates. They dictate your worth and how much time off you deserve.

In Network Marketing the concept is not to be a sales rep but a business owner and to build a network of people who share the same product so you have a team of people doing a little that amounts to a lot. The goal is to earn passive income.

Passive income, also known as residual income means you have income that continues coming in, over and over, because you did the work once and now have developed a network of people shopping and building a business. You build an asset for yourself. An asset is simple something that works for you, so you don’t have to work for the rest of your life.

Network Marketing is often misunderstood and the funny thing is every brand, every company every person uses this business model everyday. Think about it. We build other peoples brands all the time when we talk about them and recommend them. In the simplest terms Network Marketing is word of mouth advertising and word of mouth advertising is the number one way companies experience growth.

If you want to create wealth that is going to be there for you month after month, year after year, regardless of how many hours you work, then it’s time to listen to two of the wealthiest people in the world who believe in the power of Network Marketing.

Warren Buffet and Richard Branson are not only billionaires but they both have owned network marketing companies. You decide if it is worth looking into and creating the wealth and life you want.

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Kiss Corporate Goodbye

Our mission is to empower you to build residual asset income so you can escape the Golden Handcuffs and live life on YOUR terms!