A Gulyás By Any Other Name Is Not Hungarian Goulash

Setting the record straight and a recipe that’s better than great

Arpad Nagy
Kitchen Tales


Photo by Author

Crimes against humanity happen every day; however, some are so insignificant that the population who are not victims carry on without the slightest clue that they perpetuate the atrocities.

Nevertheless, these violations hurt even when I’m speaking about food.

Do you know any Italians? Of course, you do. So go up to them and tell them that Kraft Dinner is Italian. Tell them it’s pasta.

How about leaning in close to your Chinese pal and telling them that chicken balls are your favorite Chinese food, next to the fortune cookies.

For Hungarians, it’s even worse. Our national soup, Gulyás, crossed international borders as Hungarians spread out worldwide. Undoubtedly, the hospitality and food that Hungarians are famous for brought many non-Hungarians to a table where they enjoyed a bowl of our famous soup.

The people loved this rich, robust, red soup so much that they went home with warm bellies and satisfied souls dreaming about making it. But, unfortunately, this is where the trouble began.

It would be unlikely that the pantries in the Caucasian homes of North America held the critical ingredient…



Arpad Nagy
Kitchen Tales

A Proud Hungarian-Canadian, throwback romantic who loves to write. Editor @ Kitchen Tales,The Short Place (Fiction) The Memoirist, Age of Empathy, The Book Cafe