Don’t Judge a Pepper by Its Cover

I owe you an apology: a poem, a recipe, and an explanation. Will that suffice?

Kele Mogotsi
Kitchen Tales


Organic green pepper from the Mogotsi family farm. Unfiltered image by author.

crisped edges

charred floors

the pepper stood up proud

a tall arch of authority defending his crown

swirls of flavors erupted on my buds as the bitterness gave way to caramelized sweetness

the crunch of the green skin melted with the salt of the minced meat

globs of gouda sank into the tart of the flesh

every bite

Don’t judge a pepper by its cover

That’s stupid, I thought.

I’ve always thought the concept was weird and ridiculous. I judged all the dieters, low-carb wackos, and keto enthusiasts who jumped on board the stuffed pepper craze.

Peppers aren’t my favorite vegetable. They’re technically not even a vegetable but still, I’ve always used them as staples in my curries, stews, and fry-ups.

Stuff a chicken.

Stuff a turkey.

Stuff a sock if you will.

But stuff a pepper? And chuck it in the oven to roast? That’s a waste of a perfectly good pepper.



Kele Mogotsi
Kitchen Tales

An introverted attention-seeker and chronic continent-hopper. Rhymes with jelly.