Bowl filled with chunky vegetable soup
Image of Hearty Vegetable Soup — Author’s own

Vegan | Vegetarian | Soup

Hearty Vegetable Soup

Roasted vegetables in a clear broth make a filling vegan option

Jacinta Palmer
Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2022


*Serves 4 *


1 onion

1 leek

2–3 carrots

Red or yellow bell pepper

1 sweet potato or ¼ butternut squash

1 courgette

1 clove garlic

1 -2 tbsp olive oil

1 litre vegetable stock

1 tsp yeast extract (Marmite / Vegemite)

1 tbsp white miso paste

Salt and pepper

Optional Ingredients:

2–3 sticks celery

1–2 parsnips

Chopped parsley or dill


  1. Preheat oven to 180 C/350 F / moderate
  2. Chop the vegetables in chunks suitable for roasting (not too small otherwise they will burn and taste bitter) Crush the garlic clove

3. Place the vegetables in a large roasting tin, toss with the olive oil, and seasoning. Roast for 30 minutes



Jacinta Palmer
Kitchen Tales

*Does not Follow for Follow* Writing the kind of Fiction I love 2 Read | YA | Magical | Romance | Supernatural | Freelance Editor (she/her) | Besotted with dogs