Homemade Fajita Seasoning

Say goodbye to unhealthy processed meal kits. I’m looking at you, Old El Paso

Olivia Mitchell
Kitchen Tales


Since becoming obsessed with home cooking, one thing that’s really surprised me is the amount we rely on convenience foods, even when the homemade version is just as convenient too…

As a child growing up when we used to have fajitas, tacos or chili, my Dad (he was the cook of the more exotic food), would come back from the supermarket laden with ready-made tortillas, salsa and guacamole in a jar, and a seasoning kit, ready to give the flavour to the chicken, onions and peppers he would fry in the pan.

Photo Credit: Canva Premium

It was as if buying all this was cheaper and easier than just making it himself (with the tortilla wraps, I’ll give him a pass).

The truth is, advertisers inundate us with campaigns that get us excited about having a fun night with exotic food. On top of that, it’s fair to say that no one in my family knew how to cook Mexican food, and believed the best way to try it was to use a ready-made seasoning kit.

Well, I’m here to tell you, not only does it take approximately 10 seconds to make your own fajita seasoning, it’s also much healthier…

Did you know?

