Morning’s Delight

free verse poetry tomatos on toast

James G Brennan
Kitchen Tales
Published in
1 min readAug 10, 2020


Image by Chris Tweten from Pixabay

An almost sad end to my
Tomato’s on toast, however,
It’s an enjoyable mop-up
My finger dabbing
The not-quite empty plate.

Finishing off brown bread crumbs
With olive oil
Tomato and fresh garlic,
Mixed in with Himalayan
Pink salt and black pepper.

I gave the plate an extra helping
Making a delightful end to
A savoured breakfast,
As it’s not quite over yet…

The black pepper gives a spicy sting
To my bottom sunburnt lip,
A warm feeling around my gums and a
Tingle in my throat,
What a tasteful mixture
From a few dabs off my finger.

I am looking forward to tomorrow’s breakfast
As every morning,
Celebration of the day’s beginning.

Thank you Gaby Rosales for giving my words a platform here in Kitchen Tales.
Thank you all for reading and your valuable time. J.



James G Brennan
Kitchen Tales

Writes free to read eclectic free verse poetry. "Everything in life is writable about" Sylvia Plath.