Sauerkraut Wok

This recipe is HOT (A 5 on the spice-meter). To make this dish less spicy, remove the chili oil.

Kitchen Tales
3 min readNov 17, 2023



I am a mix of things and so is my food. I am a mix of where I am from, where I have gone, and what I have learned, and so is my food.

I have always loved to cook, but never with a cookbook. I know what I like, I know what tastes good, I can figure it out. This way of thinking has led to the creation of many “favorite dishes” that now live in my very own handmade cookbook.

My first creation came out of a mix of laziness and a low-stocked fridge, the result of a very long week.

This recipe will make 2 servings and is a great end of day meal.


  • Bubbas sauerkraut
  • Chili oil
  • Kimchi
  • Cauliflower
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Cumin
  • Cayenne
  • Meat of your choice (vegan meat is recommended)
  • 1 clove of garlic


  • Pan
  • Oven pan
  • Mixing bowl
  • Spatula
  • Tablespoon
  • Teaspoon


You will begin by prepping the cauliflower rice. This will be the base/starch of your dish.

To prep your cauliflower:

  • Remove the cauliflower from its wrapping and wash thoroughly
  • Grab a bowl and lay a dishtowel into the bowl
  • Cut the leaves off of the cauliflower and cut it into 6 different pieces.
  • Spend a few minutes “crumbling” your cut pieces over a bowl to get very small pieces (each piece should be about the size of your thumb).
  • Once the entire cauliflower is in smaller pieces, in your bowl, put 3 shakes of salt onto the cauliflower pieces.
  • Bring the dishtowel in the bowl up around the sides so that it covers the top of the cauliflower
  • Place this bowl in the fridge and set the timer for 15 minutes. This will allow the salt to pull out some of the hydration in the cauliflower, which will make it easier to cook.

While the cauliflower is dehydrating, set the oven timer to 400 deg. As you wait for the oven to heat up, you will begin to prepare the main portion of the dish.

To prep your meat

  • Grab your pan and put it on the stove. Add 1 spoonful of chili oil into the pan and a teaspoon of olive oil. Turn the stove on low
  • Next, take out your meat and season it lightly with your choice of seasonings (cumin + cayenne recommended).
  • Throw the meat in the pan and turn the stove onto high. The meat will cook quickly, so watch it closely (a vegan meat option will be easier to cook through). Move the meat around in the pan while it cooks.
  • Once your meat is about done, throw in the sauerkraut. The pan should smoke.
  • Once the meat and sauerkraut have been stirred 2–3 times together, throw in two teaspoons of soy sauce. Once again, the pan should smoke.
  • Once the soy sauce has been added, turn the heat down to low-medium and stir the contents of the pan for 3 more seconds.
  • Turn the heat all the way down to low low and put as much kimchi as you want into the pan.
  • Stir the mixture twice and let it simmer.

After the 15-minute timer has gone off for the cauliflower:

  • Take the cauliflower out of the fridge and wring the dish rag that the cauliflower is sitting in to remove any excess water from the cauliflower
  • Put the dried cauliflower on a oven pan and pour 1 tablespoon of olive oil and two shakes of curcumin onto the cauliflower. Mix the cauliflower around in the olive oil and seasoning until all of the cauliflower is covered with the oil/curcumin mix
  • Grab your clove of garlic, peel it, wash it, crush it, and sprinkle it on the cauliflower.
  • Place the pan into the oven for 30–45 minutes, checking on the dish every 15 minutes. Once done, the cauliflower should be dry and slightly crispy.

Once the cauliflower is cooked, place it in a bowl and place the sauerkraut/kimchi/meat concoction on top.




Kitchen Tales

Sharing what I write to force myself to write. Follow for flash fiction.