Building Kitemaker

Kitemaker blog


The world doesn’t need more issue tracker/project management/task management tools, but we do need better ones. That is at least what Kevin, my cofounder, and I have concluded after managing teams together for the last five years and interviewing hundreds of teams.

We have identified two main problems. The first is that people think these types of tools are clunky and slow. It might sound like a minor problem, but for people building software products every day, this is one of the main reasons why they choose one tool over another. The second is that these tools are typically made to manage work or people. To some degree that is perhaps needed, but we think they should first and foremost be about helping the team and improving collaboration.

In addition, 80% of teams seem to use very little of the functionality in these tools and simply want something simple that works well.

Fast, simple and collaborative

That is why we are happy to announce Kitemaker. A super-fast tool that is built for teams that don’t need more management, but more collaboration around their tasks and roadmap. We say it is for makers and innovators. That is because we see that teams that focus more on working together on solving problems for their users are happier and perform better than teams that focus on churning tickets.

It also happens to be the fastest collaboration tool ever built. Or so our users tell us. Expect Kitemaker to respond instantaneous on every keystroke and have hotkeys for everything.

Our first beta users have been super happy with the tool, and we are already replacing Jira, Trello, and Github Issues for fast-growing startups. One of the significant benefits they get from Kitemaker is that it is easy to use for designers, programmers, product, and management — having one tool where the entire team engages is a game-changer.

We have a ton of features we plan to build, which will be genuinely unique and solve core problems for product teams. But already now, you can try out the humble beginnings by visiting and signing up, and you can join our Slack community by clicking here.

Please follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn, and help us spread the word!

Happy building!

