Profession Spotlight — Alchemy

Kitsumon Metaverse
Published in
11 min readSep 9, 2022


Alchemy is by far the most unique of all the professions. While all the other professions focus on raising or extracting first ingredients and materials for other professions, or using these materials and ingredients to make useful real-world tools, facilities or foods, Alchemy focuses on magical creations and turning these items directly into KANDY, the currency of the game. The skills that an Alchemist can master are varied, and other than these, they can even master crafting magical weapons. Although crafting weapons is the specialty of Craftsmen, magical weapons are all the work of Alchemists. Alchemists turn dust to gold, their breath has supernatural power, their hands are blessed with the Goddess of the Metaverse, and they are mediums between their worlds and the worlds existing above them. Turn to Alchemy if you feel magical potions pumping in your veins and you can sense the forces of nature calling for you. Pursue this profession to master several unique skills that will benefit all the other professions and players greatly, and make sure your land and your Kitsus remain favored by the Gods of Kitsumon.

Alchemy Lab

All the Alchemists need Labs for their mysterious experiments. These Labs ensure the safety of the rest of your land, while you are mixing dangerous potions or are casting spells onto magical stones for them to protect your Kitsus and Characters. Initially the Lab will be locked for you, but worry not as you can initiate alchemy by boiling the ingredients of potions on a magical fireplace. Obtain magical wood from magical trees, to start a fire that can be used for boiling potions. Make enough “Boiling Potions” and you will unlock your first Lab. Now you can master even more skills. There are 10 levels for Alchemy Labs except for some biomes that allow Alchemy Lab Level 11 to be built upon. Make sure that you upgrade your Lab as soon as you unlock the upgrades as they will genuinely improve your Alchemy stats, unlock new skills, allow you to gain more KANDY from turning items into KANDY, and more! Alchemy Tables are only equippable inside your Lab, and upgraded Labs will allow you to have better Tables and create items more efficiently. Invest into Alchemy and you will earn amazing rewards and high income from mastering this profession.


Vials are used for boiling potions. They are the only tools that won’t explode instantly on the magic fire. Add the ingredients needed for our desired potion, and put the vial on Fire to get the potion you want. Be careful because your vial can still explode if it stays on the fire for too long, and your potion won’t be ready if you take it off the fire too soon. There are several types of vials, each dedicated for certain types of potions. Better types of Vials are more fire resistant and you can make better types of potions in them.

Flasks are for storing potions. Both Mixied potions and Boiled potions are stored in flasks. There are 5 different types of flasks, each used for certain types of potions. After making a potion, store them in flasks, so that you can store them in your inventory and use them whenever you need. Potions that are used on animals or plants are also stored in flasks.

The magic fireplace is made with magic wood and is used for the sole purpose of boiling potions. Without it you cannot boil any potions. There is only one type of Magic Fireplace regardless of what type of magic wood you start the fire with. Magic fireplaces are the only means of alchemy that do not require you to be inside a Lab.

There are 2 different types of potions that you can make as an Alchemist in Kitsumon; Mixed (Mixing) Potions and Boiled (Boiling) Potions. While Boiled potions are made on a magic fireplace without the need for a lab, Mixed potions are made on Potion Tables in the Lab. You can mix the right amount of each ingredient to make the potion you want on the Potion table and you can also upgrade your potion table to be able to craft better types of potions and gain more XP while crafting them.

Talismans are worn by Player characters to protect them from the harms of nature, heal them when in need, or increase their power in combat. You can make different types of Talismans with different effects on players on a Talisman Table and wear them to protect yourself or sell them in the marketplace to others who need them most. Similar to all tables, Talisman tables can also be upgraded several times, allowing more materials to be used in the talismans, and increasing the XP gained from making them.

While Talismans are worn by players, Amulets are made for Kitsus. Amulets increase Kitsus’ different stats making them more powerful in combat, and outside of combat. Amulets are made on Amulet tables and they too have different types and effects. Upgrade your Amulet table too, to benefit from the upgraded Amulet table’s advantages.

Runes are applicable on many types of tools. Tools that have available rune slots can be equipped with the appropriate runes and they will become more efficient in doing what they are created for. Pickaxes can be equipped with runes to extract more ores from rocks, perform faster, become more resistant, and deal more damage. Fishing rods with rune slots can be equipped with different types of runes to attract more fish, capture them easier, and break less often. Own a Rune Table inside your lab to make all types of runes and either sell them to other people who need them on their tools, or if you yourself have an awesome tool with empty rune slots, put a rune on it! Remember: A better rune table equals better runes and higher XP, so don’t forget to upgrade!

This is where the dreams come true; Where you can turn the tools that are old, into gold. Own a transmutation table and get your hands on all the stuff you can find and try to turn them into KANDY; Sometimes you will succeed, sometimes you will lose the tool, but you will always gain experience and become better. The better you get at Transmutation, the more tools you can turn into KANDY. You will start slow and the tools will give you a small amount of KANDY upon transmutation, but you will improve gradually and with upgraded Transmutaion tables and higher skill in transmutation, you will be able to gain proper income from turning a variety of tools into a considerable amount of KANDY. Master transmutation and become the KANDYMAN!

An altar that lets a Kitsu ascend to become a powerful spiritual guardian of your land plot, increasing the land plot’s benefits and granting you gifts.


It might look strange at first, but rabbit saliva is actually a magical ingredient that alchemists can use in their potions to make your land more fertile or your players’ vision better in the dark. You can harvest rabbit saliva frequently from your rabbits if you keep them on your farm, or you can buy them too. Yes, rabbit saliva is for sale!

Rabbits are magical creatures. Alchemists can channel their protective energy inside the rabbit bones and turn them into a Talisman. So if you own a talisman made from rabbit bones, you can travel the open world with more peace of mind as you know nature will not harm you as often!

Obviously you cannot eat horses in Kitsumon. They are precious animals that can make long distance transportation easier for you. However, in some rare situations you may get your hands on horse meat. It can be mixed with several other ingredients and used in potions. These potions increase the resistance of your animals against diseases and are fairly difficult to make.

There are 3 different types of magic fruits in Kitsumon and they obviously are one of the most fundamental ingredients in magical potions. You can grow magic trees in your land (Unless your biome restricts the growth of magic trees) and use the fruits in many different types of potions.

The name explains itself! There are 6 types of potion herbs. They grow the same way edible herbs grow but you cannot eat them. They are used in both mixed potions and boiled potions and can heal you or give you strength and insight.

There are 3 types of mushrooms that can be used in making potions, one of which is extremely rare and requires a specific biome to grow. Potion mushrooms are usually poisonous and are used in potions that destroy unwanted weeds, pests, or enemies!

Most of the sea creatures have been touched by the rays of the Gods when they were created. Thus, they are usually alchemists’ favorites. Turtle bones, for example, are essential in making talismans. These Talismans will open your eyes to the unseen truth lying beneath the surface!

There are 5 different types of frogs in this game, and poison can be extracted from all of them. Frog poisons can be mixed with other ingredients to benefit both your plants and animals, and your player character.

Catfish is specifically used in 2 different types of potions that cure sick plants. Catfish meat has a magical power to heal plants. Even Potion Herbs can get diseases, and to cure them, one of the fastest ways is to use a potion made with catfish.

Seahorses are animals that are very close to nature, just like Kitsus! That’s why seahorse skeleton is a special material in making amulets. They give Kitsus strength and courage and wearing an amulet made of seahorse skeleton always comforts them.

Eels seem to be stuck in time, causing the potions made out of eel meat to decrease a lot of timers! There are 3 different types of eels in the game, each used for a different purpose. They are super effective in decreasing timers such as animal breeding time, plant growth time, and more.

There are 3 types of rays in Kitsumon. Stingrays are only used in cooking, but electric rays and fiddler rays have extraordinary bones. Talismans made from ray bones have magical powers that make players perform actions faster and more precisely.

Sharks are hard to hunt. They are dangerous predators that can seriously damage your boat. However, if you do manage to hunt them you will be rewarded greatly, because other than their valuable meat, shark bones can be turned into amulets for Kitsus to give them various power-ups.

Other than many different types of potions that you can make with octopus ink, they have another usage as well. If you are tired of the color of your clothes, use octopus ink to make colors that you can dye your clothes with. Octopus ink is not the only ingredient used in making color, but it certainly is one of the most important ones!

Pearls are one of the rarest things in Kitsumon, and are probably the most valuable material in making talismans and amulets. They are one of the few materials that is used in both amulets and talismans and has massive effects upon whoever wears it. Alchemists can also turn pearls into KANDY using their transmutation skills.

Whale bone is another rare material that can be used in both talismans and amulets. They can be very dangerous for your boat and cannot be taken down by a single person. Although they don’t surface often, if they do, its best if you run unless you have come prepared and with allies. If you manage to hunt a whale, you can use its bones in making rare and high-level talismans and amulets.

Rune essence can be extracted from several types of rocks. There are 3 types of rune essences in the game, each used for making a variety of runes. Rune essences are the only materials needed to make runes and alchemists are the only people who can use them.

Alchemy Quests

As mentioned before, Alchemy is probably the most unique profession out there. And a profession is never complete without its quests. We can probably call the Alchemy quests the most dangerous ones as they send you deep into the dungeons in search of potion ingredients or amulet- and talisman materials, and have complex and gripping story-lines that will introduce you to many of the friendly NPCs and hostile creatures in Kitsumon. Follow the Alchemy Questlines if you want to see real MAGIC!



Kitsumon Metaverse

#Kitsumon is an #NFT based game built on Polygon Network. Create unique Kitsu, master professions, and challenge other players! #NFTgaming #NFTcollectors