Kitsumon INO Stats & Token Locks

Kitsumon Metaverse
Published in
2 min readApr 13, 2022

Hey Kitsu Family — we heard your positive reception on our Jester Sale Stats article, so we want to give you stats on our INO as well! Towards the end you will also find info on the Token Locks that some raised funds have gone into.

INO Stats

Across all our INO sales, we have sold over 92% of our Blind Boxes!
Seed Sale Boxes Sold — 1190
Private Sale Boxes Sold — 5080
Staker Boxes Sold — 5529
FCFS Boxes Sold — 12791
Public Auction Eggs Sold — 3220 [650M KMC raised]

A Total of 27810 Eggs have been sold.

We are mega excited about the high sales numbers our INO has achieved — a great future lies ahead for Kitsumon World! Below we will also go into detail on the different token locks the raised funds have gone into, with details on where you can find and monitor them. Some additional token locks from our TGE have also been included for those of you who are interested.

INO Locks

The Public Auction part of our INO has raised 650,000,000 KMC, allocated to several different things as shown below.
45% locked for 12 months
5% burned
15% to the eco-system fund
35% to our treasury

TGE Token Locks

QuickSwap KMC/USDC LP Lock
QuickSwap KMC/WMATIC LP Lock
Team & Advisor Token Locks$KMC&symbol=$KMC

Development & Marketing Vesting Lock

Staking & Rewards Vesting Lock

Play-to-Earn Token Vault



Kitsumon Metaverse

#Kitsumon is an #NFT based game built on Polygon Network. Create unique Kitsu, master professions, and challenge other players! #NFTgaming #NFTcollectors