Kitsumon Professions — Mining

Kitsumon Metaverse
Published in
4 min readAug 30, 2022


Mining is one of the main professions in Kitsumon. Get your hands dirty in the dark mine shafts to collect rare materials! Upgrade your pickaxe and stock up your warehouse to craft amazing items and earn a living on the marketplace.


The good old pickaxe everyone starts with. Use this to get yourself enough materials for your very first pickaxe upgrade.

Nothing better than an upgrade! The Bronze Pickaxe can also mine Limestone and Iron to get you ready to play with the big guys.

After mastering the Bronze Pickaxe, this Iron variant lets you access coal and silver, which lets you set up for your very first Kitsu Casting as well!


The basic mine with access to simple resources like Clay, Copper, and Tin, Iron, and Limestone.

Upgrading your mine to level 2 doubles the amount of rocks that will spawn!

In addition to improved spawn-rates, the level 3 upgrade also unlocks access to the second mine layer with access to Coal, Silver, and Granite.

Rocks & Resources

Rocks spawn in the different layers of your mine, depending on the mine level. Resources are gained from the different rocks by breaking them with your Pickaxe.

Clay rocks are the most common rocks in the first layer of the mines. These rocks are the source of clay ore, which is the most fundamental element in basic constructions.

Copper rocks are the source of the most common metal in the Kitsumon world: copper. Copper and Tin, which are both available in the first layer of the mines, create an alloy called bronze which is a crucial material in crafting tools for different professions.

Similar to Copper, Tin is also used for creating bronze. Tin is a rarer and more valuable rock compared to copper, and Tin rocks contain less overall ore than copper rocks.

Limestone is a crucial element needed to build more advanced constructions and buildings. Other than Limestone ore, stationary rune essence can be extracted from limestone rocks. Rune essence is the material that is used by Alchemists to create runes that will boost the stats of different tools.

Iron is arguably the metal with the most variety of uses in the entire game. From high durability tools, to buildings, and automated machines, all are built using Iron. Iron is a highly valuable rock since it is not a common rock in the mines and offers great versatility.

Coal is the fuel used to run all the automated machines in the game, from farming machinery to motorboats and more. It also is a much more efficient fuel for cooking than wood. Coal rocks cannot be found in the first layer of the mines. Thus, to extract coal, players need to unlock the second mine layer.

Silver is one of the three special metals of the game because other than its usage in crafting, Silver can also be used to craft special utensils that allow for Kitsu Casting. Silver ore can also be broken down into KANDY by Alchemists.

Granite is a rare rock found more commonly in the 3rd and 4th mine layers. Granite is used in high-end constructions, as well as rare tools and items.



Kitsumon Metaverse

#Kitsumon is an #NFT based game built on Polygon Network. Create unique Kitsu, master professions, and challenge other players! #NFTgaming #NFTcollectors