Kitsumon Roadmap Update

Kitsumon Metaverse
Published in
9 min readApr 6, 2023

Finally the day is here, the question you have all been asking for! Wen Road Map Sir?

While most projects have already posted their roadmap for this year, we have been holding off on releasing ours because we wanted to release a roadmap this time that we are 100% confident in. At this time we are happy to announce all the contracts with our external suppliers are signed and in progress for the delivery of Kitsumon’s flagship MOBA Battle game.


While the start of the year may seem to have been quiet, the team are here behind the scenes working tirelessly to deliver the game the community deserves.

So what have we been working on?

For the website we have been developing:

A new navigation system

After taking on community feedback we have worked on improving the UX of the menu system and general navigation of the site. No longer will you need to jump around lots of pages to view your digital collectables or $KMC wallet.

Player Profile

In preparation for the release of the MOBA we have designed a new player profile UI, which will allow other players and your friends to see your achievements, guilds you are a member of, and your player history and progress.

Login Screen

Web3 is great, you can login to dApps with only your wallet. That is if you have a wallet installed in your browser, and know how to use it! Research shows 52% of traditional gamers aren’t familiar with any type of Web3 gaming term, with only 12% ever playing a Web3 based game. Our mission at Kitsumon has always been to build a fun and inclusive game anyone can enjoy. So we asked ourselves “why cut off the majority of the gaming market?”. So now, users will be able to create accounts on Kitsumon with methods they are already familiar with.

Gasless Transactions

Following on from the previous point, to make Kitsumon accessible to the largest possible audience, we have been developing a unique MetaTX system, which means users won’t need to acquire Matic to pay for gas. In fact users won’t even need a browser extension wallet to play Kitsumon, while still retaining control of their keys (remember not your keys not your crypto). This is done through using new EIPs such as EIP-2771 and EIP-2612. Say goodbye to all those annoying pop-ups to list your Kitsus on the marketplace!

Swap Modal

We want to provide you a true triple-A user experience, and one important step to realise that vision is our new Swap Modal to let you easily buy $KMC. No more relying on external sites with unfamiliar interfaces and frequent errors — now you can do it all comfortably from the Kitsumon website!

Kitsumon Blog

We love Medium, it’s easy for anyone to create a blog, but hosting your own blog on your own site is great for SEO purposes, and allows us to link to our content on our own platform. This will probably be the last article you see on Medium, until we migrate all the content over to our own blogging system. Hasta Luego Medium, it’s been emotional.

Staking and Vesting

Time really does fly, it’s been 16 months since the launch of $KMC. In accordance to our $KMC emission schedule all vesting tiers now have fully vested. While we have not added new features to these systems, we are taking the steps to deprecate them from our site, and will be removed in the next update. This is an important step for us to ensure we fall within guidelines of Google’s Play Store and Apples App Store. Keep an eye out for further announcements relating to this.

Crystal Dex and Kitsu Configurator

Did you know when a Kitsu goes into battle you can equip them with different configurations of Crystals and Battle Items that can be won and acquired within the game? Probably not, so we have developed a cool new feature that allows you to create different configurations of Crystals and Battle Items and shows you how they buff and de-buff your Kitsus for Battle! You will be able to save your build and show them off to your friends and other players!

Arena Explorer

The Kitsu battle arena comes with a range of NPC and power ups! The Arena explorer will allow you to see spawn points of NPC and power-ups. Will you be able to get there first to get an edge over your competitors?

New Homepage

Our design mage formerly known as Shent has designed a spectacular new home page for Kitsumon. Showcasing more of the MOBA and less of the crypto terminology. Research shows traditional gamers don’t like NFTs and crypto, while crypto gamers like both. Appealing for the largest market share for us is something we feel is important and key to the success of the game. Lets not scare non-native crypto gamers off with crypto jargon. Blockchain technology isn’t the product — the game is! We can leverage all the benefits blockchain has to offer without filling the home page with buzzwords and potentially putting people off from playing the game “because it’s just another NFT game…”

Marketplace Rentals

This has been something long requested, and something we have wanted to provide for a long time, and it’s finally here. Users will be able to rent out their Kitsus to other players for breeding and battle all from the marketplace!

Guild System

Long time followers of Kitsumon will have (hopefully) noticed that since the beginning we have built partnerships with several Guilds (and many more are still in the pipeline)! We held focus groups with several of our early Guild partners asking them what pain points they have with the guild they currently manage. The most common response was “we have no way of managing them in game” the majority of guilds are all managed manually or with custom systems. Kitsumon has built a fully fledged Guild system. Anyone will be able to create a Guild. Create ranks, manage applicants to the Guild, allow players to use Guild assets such as Kitsus or battle items, manage reward distribution and more!

Cool, so you made good progress on the website, but what about the game?

Fear not young Padawan!

The development of the MOBA is progressing rapidly! We have designed and implemented all the UI screens for the game client such as:

Account creation screens

Screen to allow players to create and link existing accounts

Welcome screens

Such as app loading screens

Player avatar customisation screens

Screens that allow players to customise the look of their trainers — don’t have a GamerGirl Trainer yet? Maybe you should get one!!!

Setting screens

Want to turn off the audio, or read them really interesting privacy policies? We got you!

Battle prep screen

Prepare your Kitsu for battle, assign them a move set, configure their Crystals and Battle Items from within the app!

Crystal Load Out Screen

Equip your Kitsu with different crystals to modify its stats and unlock powerful colour bonuses!

Powder exchange

Crystals don’t just appear from thin air! Earn powder from competing in Battles and convert them into Crystals to provide extra buffs to your Kitsu.

Battle Lobby

Ready to take on the world? Want to prove what it takes to become the master of Kitsumon? Join the battle lobby and our matchmaking server will find other players for you to hash it out in the Battle Arena. Players will be able to select different game modes such as “League” to earn points and rank in the season’s leader board. Want a quick casual game to improve your skills players can choose to play a standard non league game. Players will also be given a unique lobby ID to invite their friends directly and battle. Get battling and take the win for yourself!

Victory Screen

Bask in the glory of victory and view your battling rewards at the same time! From the victory screen you can easily access stats on your game or just return to the main menu to get into the next battle right away.

Match statistic screens

Want to see your performance post-match? We have a comprehensive post match statistic screen so you can see how you did in the match compared with other players.

Guild screens

Part of a Guild or LFG? You don’t need to have a desktop to access the Guild features there all here in the app!

Achievement screens

We have developed a in game achievement system, where players can complete daily, weekly and monthly tasks to earn rewards

In-app store

Want a new battle item? Or maybe your player would look better with a hat! Our in app store sells in game consumable items to customize your character and improve performance!

Game HUD

The game HUD will be your main interface for controlling your Kitsu during battle, select moves and see your health from the in-game HUD.


See how you rank across all players in the season league. Top finishers will be rewarded with some amazing prizes!

So what are we still waiting for?

The main outstanding deliverables we are waiting for are the Kitsu attack animations and our completely custom MOBA map. Again long time followers of Kitsumon will know the complexity that goes into creating the animations for Kitsus due to our unique breeding system. Unlike other games where you might have 20 characters, you would produce 1 animation for each attack a character may have. Our animations have to be built in a special way that allows them to be pragmatically generated for the trillions of possible Hybrid Kitsu combinations, this means all 20 Gen-0 Kitsus must have animations for every attack, which is around 400 different attack animations!! This work has been ongoing for some time now with our game studio Adia. Adia are also working on our Battle Arena Map where the Kitsus will battle it out! We have already begun receiving animations and integrating them into the game, as well initial drafts of the map. So as always keep an eye on our discord for sneak peaks!

Wen launch?

From May we will start to invite select users to beta test the release, collect feedback and iron out any issues that may arise. During this time we will also start to integrate some of our guild partners into the guild system. Assuming our play tests are a success, we will have a full production launch aimed for July, with the first competitive season starting in August. We are nearly there but we only get one chance to launch, and will only do so when we are 100% happy with everything. We owe it not only to ourselves for the work we have put in, but to you the community who have patiently supported us through this journey!



Kitsumon Metaverse

#Kitsumon is an #NFT based game built on Polygon Network. Create unique Kitsu, master professions, and challenge other players! #NFTgaming #NFTcollectors