Profession Spotlight — Fishing

Kitsumon Metaverse
Published in
9 min readSep 7, 2022


Fishing is one of the core professions in Kitsumon, where you can use a variety of tools to catch fish and use their meat for delicious meals. You can also raise them in aquariums and gain income from visitors every day. Get in a boat and explore the seas to find rare fish and put them on display in your aquariums, breed them, or sell them to other players on the marketplace. Becoming an expert Fisherman unlocks new fishing quests and rewards, as well as upgraded tools and fancier aquariums.


Fishing rods are the most fundamental tools used for fishing. Almost all normal-sized fish can be caught with fishing rods. Cast your rod into the sea, wait for a fish to get hooked on to your tackle, and then use your skill to take the fish out of the sea before it escapes! You can also attach baits to attract more fish and increase the chance of catching the fish.

Fishing nets are used for capturing multiple fish at once. They are great for catching sardines and other small fish. Simply deploy your net and wait for it to get filled with various types of fish. Remeber, the longer the length of your net, the more fish you will capture! Collecting your net on time is a must, otherwise it can rupture and your caught fish will escape.

Cages are tools that fishermen use to catch certain types of fish, and specially lobsters. You just need to put the cage in the water and take it out regularly to check if you have captured something. You can use baits in cages too, and it will lure more fish into your cage. When a fish is in the cage, you have to use your speed and skills to close the cage before they escape. Better types of cages are increased in size so you can catch more and better fish, so don’t forget to upgrade your cage whenever you can!

Harpoons are throwable tools used to hunt down sharks and whales. Get in a boat, sail to the middle of the sea and wait for a shark to appear. Now it is your chance to hunt it with your harpoon. Aim, throw and hope for the best! Harpoons get destroyed when you throw them unless you upgrade them and attach a rope; Then you can retract them after throwing them and use them several times.

Rowing boats are the first types of water transportation vehicles that unlock for players in Kitsumon. Progress in the fishing profession to unlock your first rowing boat and start exploring the seas of Kitsumon. Rowing boats can only travel to a certain part of the sea and they also consume a considerable amount of energy to row. Rowing boats can also be used to carry a fishing net from one part of the sea to the other part, or to collect loot from the sea. Upgrade your rowing boat to travel longer distances and to get tired less quickly. An upgraded rowing boat will also have a higher endurance and will resist breaking longer upon hitting rocks or when attacked by sea creatures.

Motor boats are more advanced boats that work with an engine that uses coal as fuel. Motor boats can travel further in the sea and they won’t cost any energy. Motor boats are usually made of metals like iron unlike rowing boats that are made out of wood, so they are more durable, as well as being considerably faster. You can also upgrade your motor boat to get a larger fuel tank, higher endurance, and higher capacity.

You can use bait-making machines on farming patches to get worm bait that you can use on your fishing tackle or fishing cage to attract more fish. They also help players in capturing the fish and fish that are attracted to baits are less likely to escape the cage or the rod.

You can also use the fish you have captured to attract better fish. Most small and normal sized fish can be used to attract bigger fish. Each fish can attract certain types of big fish, so before using them as baits make sure the fish types you are trying to attract with your fish bait can be found in your area.


Ponds can be found in a variety of land plots, and even if your plot does not have a pond you don’t need to worry as you can dig several tiles in your land plot and fill them with water to make a pond. You just have to make sure there is enough water in the biome your land is in. Ponds can be used to raise and reproduce basic small and medium-sized fish types. The bigger the pond, the larger number of fish you will be able to breed. Unlike aquariums, you will not be able to display your fish in ponds. You can also use the water in ponds to water your plants and trees.

You can craft and use many types of fishbowls. Fishbowls come in a variety of sizes and specs. Each fish type can only be raised in certain types of fishbowls. Fishbowls can be placed in aquariums to put the fish inside them on display to the public.

Aquariums are great sources of income in the Kitsumon world. Once you progress in the fishing profession, you will unlock the blueprint for aquariums, and you can build one on your plot of land. You can put your fishbowls in your aquarium to put them on display to the public and earn revenue from them. The rarer the fish types in your aquarium, the higher your daily income will be. Other than NPC characters, other players will also be able to visit your aquarium and put bids on your fish to buy them from you. Don’t forget to build an aquarium as soon as possible as it will be a great play-to-earn building for you!


Salmon are common, normal sized fish that can be found in almost all the seas in the game. They have delicious meat that can be used in preparing a variety of dishes for Kitsus and trainers. Kitsus gain multiple temporary boosts from eating foods that contain salmon. Salmon can also be used as bait in fishing cages to attract rare fish types. Salmon can be raised both in fishbowls inside aquariums and in ponds, but they are not likely to be appreciated much by the people visiting your aquarium.

Turtles are peculiar animals in Kitsumon. They can be found on beaches and in the water and you can capture them from the water using a fishing cage. Besides their meat which can be used in cooking, turtles sometimes drop special artifacts that can be used by alchemists to create talismans.

Frogs are also unique creatures that are beneficial for alchemists. Alchemists can extract poisons from frogs that can be used for crafting potions. You cannot raise frogs, so whenever you capture frogs you better straight out use them in Alchemy or sell them to other players who invest in alchemy!

Catfish is one of the rarer types of normal sized fish and it can only be found in special areas. You can use it in cooking, and also in crafting potions to protect plants and animals from sickness.

Crabs are one of the core ingredients in expensive meals that can boost trainers for a long time. They can be found in many different locations but they are quite rare, so you might need to spend some time to catch them. They can be caught in a fishing cage and they are attracted by Shrimps and Sardines, so you can use sardines as bait to catch more crabs!

Seahorses are small creatures that you might catch with a rod while fishing on a boat in the middle of the sea in particular areas. They are pretty rare and you will have to use worm bait to catch them more frequently. Although trainers and Kitsus cannot eat the meat of a sea horse, alchemists can use them in creating magical potions.

Eels are also outstanding creatures that you can find in the Kitsumon Multiverse. They can be cooked and fed to Kitsus, but they also produce magical liquids that alchemists can use to give Kitsus and trainers stat-boosts, as well as potions that can decrease breeding time for certain types of farm animals.

There are multiple types of ray fish across the waters all around the Kitsumon Multiverse. Even though they can be found in most areas, they are cautious animals and avoid getting caught. Thus, it is best if you use fish bait to attract Stingrays and Manta rays. They are considered as one of the big fish types, and besides cooking their meat, you can put them on display in your aquarium, and also use the bones of these fish to make talismans.

Sharks are dangerous animals found only in the middle of the seas. You cannot capture sharks alive or raise them in ponds or aquariums, so the only way to catch them is to hunt them down with harpoons. They have valuable meat that you can feed your Kitsus with, and they sometimes drop other valuable items too. Be careful while facing sharks as they will attack your boat if they feel threatened.

Octopuses are a phenomenal resource for medicinal poisons. Their poison is the ingredient for various healing potions and energy refill potions. Octopus legs are also used in cooking and both trainers and Kitsus love their meat. You can capture octopuses with a fishing cage, and you can keep them in your aquarium. Although they are not good sources of income in an aquarium, they can reproduce only in aquariums and you can sell them for a fair price to other interested players.

Shrimps are pretty common in open seas and you can catch multiple shrimps at once in your fishing net. You can prepare different types of food with shrimps and they come in pretty handy in cooking. You cannot raise or reproduce shrimp in your pond!

Fish are not the only things you can find in the waters of the Kitsumon world. One of the things you can find are shells. There are different types of shells that you can find. One of these types is Mussels that trainers can eat to gain temporary immunity in the toxic mine layers, but there are other types of shells too. You can sometimes find pearls in shells, which can be sold for great prices! Alchemists can also use pearls to create special necklaces.

Fishing Quests

No profession is complete without its quests and fishing has one of the most engaging and exciting quests with numerous rewards and unlockables. These quests can be anything from capturing certain types of fish to defeating a big bad sea monster!



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