Balls, Breasts — Breasts, Balls

Kittie Phoenix
Kittie Phoenix, the Next Edition
2 min readJan 19, 2017

Author’s Note: Every now and then my thoughts and the thoughts of others take me places those who know me in real life wouldn’t expect. This is one of those pieces at the edge of it all. :)

Balls over breasts,
Breasts under balls,
Balls beat breasts.

If breasts are and can think and can debate,
Why shouldn’t balls open the door?

If balls can throw on any outfit and go,
Why do breasts have to dress up
And paint up and doll up to show up?

If balls do a job, breasts do that job
Plus more like cooking and cleaning and mopping the floor
And answering phones and coordination galore,
Why shouldn’t breasts make as much or more?

Balls chase breasts and it’s just fine,
But breasts that chase balls become the talk of the town —
Bewitching slut bitch vixen.

Boundaries challenge balls.
Balls ignore breasts boundaries.
Breasts aren’t supposed to know boundaries or set them or bolster them.

Chores involving children
Make balls balk,
But breasts must smile and begin the work.

When breasts talk like balls,
The world just explodes —
Too strong, too bitchy, too negative.

When balls talk like breasts,
The world snickers and sniggers —
So fairy, effeminate, and queer.

Balls and breasts aren’t that different.
They’re just complementary flip sides of the same coin.
We need to see and respect it as a fact.

What if how we see breasts and balls and their roles
Is too uptight, too narrow,
Too rigidly segregated?

What if gender is just a glissando
Breasts and balls can slide along when they get along
So the roles make a beautiful harmony?

Now, in Christ, there is no difference between Jew and Greek. There is no difference between slaves and free men. There is no difference between male and female. — Galatians 3:28, International Children’s Bible



Kittie Phoenix
Kittie Phoenix, the Next Edition

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