Coming Attractions…

Kittie Phoenix
Kittie Phoenix, the Next Edition
1 min readJul 6, 2017

For about the next week and a half, I’ll be publishing the next series of episodes in the warrior clan matriarch stories. I am changing my publication pattern to nightly just for this series.

I struggled with where to go next. I mean, after burning a town to protect it without its knowledge or consent, where do you go?

I started to draft the next segment, and I got about a third of the way done. Then my house fire blazed away all my desires for that story.

It’s the paranoid, irrational writer thinking. I’ve just burnt a whole town, and the fire marshal will probably think I’m trying to imitate my story. Well, if a fire happened in real life after my fictional town burning, will I have to go through what my female lead does in the last episode of this segment (can’t go into details… don’t want to spoil the story)?

So, without further adieu, tomorrow night begins the next phase in the fight against a horrific alchemist creation used to create the situation for unspeakable things. My characters might be flat, but they’ll do something — after all, for evil to succeed, all good men and women have to do is nothing.

And I do apologize to those of you who hate cliff hangers. However, a cliff is the perfect place for a writer to rest before leaping into the next phase of the saga!



Kittie Phoenix
Kittie Phoenix, the Next Edition

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