Going, Going, Gone :’(

Kittie Phoenix
Kittie Phoenix, the Next Edition
2 min readNov 15, 2018
Image courtesy of Pixabay

You ever have that moment as writer?

You have seen something, and it’s beautiful. The words flow freely in your head. The description on the page will never match the beauty of reality, but you know the words are strung like pearls — they’re right, they fit, and they’re classy and sophisticated.

Then something fires off in your brain. You see a connection. It’s unique, it’s special. You just know you’re one of the first in the world to see this connection. The words again flow, weaving together a lace backdrop for the beautiful pearl sentences you composed just moments ago.

You sit back, satisfied with the results of your creative effort. You’re weary from an effort well completed.


The light changes. Your hands are firmly on the steering wheel, and your foot presses the gas.

The necklace, the lace, the beauty…

Words explode like beads and roll away from your brain. It all vaporizes in the exhaust of the diesel pickup you’re following. You wish like Kekule and his smoke snake you had some way to put it all down… in that moment… in that car… before the light changed.

Dammit it all to hell with the new laws against hand-held devices behind the wheel! Don’t they know the productive creativity I’m losing?!?



Kittie Phoenix
Kittie Phoenix, the Next Edition

Teacher | Writer | Parent | Spouse | Thinker | Dreamer | Wanderer | Mischief Explorer | Country Mouse (more tags to follow over time)