Happy Turkey Day!

Kittie Phoenix
Kittie Phoenix, the Next Edition
2 min readNov 22, 2018

So… if you’re reading this, should you be?

A Kittie Phoenix original electronic recreation of a first-grade project, hand turkeys

In my quarter of the globe, it’s Thanksgiving, that day created by some dead Judeo-Christians to express gratitude to their Creator for all the blessings in their lives.

Have you been thankful for your family and friends? Have you loved the living and remembered the dead? Have you appreciated a roof over your head and food on the table?

At first, I struggled this year. The last two years have been anything but easy. I was dangerously close to a spiritual tantrum the likes of which would have made the terrible twos look tremendously joyful and easy.

After all, I have to work two jobs, go to school, and pay bills. I am tired and weary, and then I have to referee two twenty-somethings and a teen who should know better (and do chores better). Nothing is ever done, and catch-as-catch-can dinner is getting so old and tired that Dracula looks like the Baby New Year.

But then I realized… I do have a home to live in. I do have food. My children are healthy enough to need a referee. I have been able to maintain both jobs. Bills are still paid.

The Creator has indeed been good. Then, to outdo all this goodness, we’ve also had the following blessings:

  • A renewal of our marriage to survive the proverbial seven-year-itch
  • A daughter got into her first choice educational program
  • Another daughter started her adult night school for her dream job
  • The third is trying to connect to a state agency (once again) to find a job
  • My husband survived a second hip replacement and is doing well

As for me, I’m grateful that I’m learning to find people likable again. I don’t share a cell with Bubba Jane because I killed someone. I don’t have Scarface Tortello as a pimp so I’m not acquiring an STD. I still have my pride so I’m not kissing @553s trying to get back into IT.

Yes, life isn’t perfect. But it is good. As long as there is life and breath, there’s hope. Hope will never disappoint (but my sardonic gallows humor might).



Kittie Phoenix
Kittie Phoenix, the Next Edition

Teacher | Writer | Parent | Spouse | Thinker | Dreamer | Wanderer | Mischief Explorer | Country Mouse (more tags to follow over time)