Not the Sneetch of Record

Kittie Phoenix
Kittie Phoenix, the Next Edition
2 min readJul 18, 2019

Now, the Star-Bell Sneetches had bellies with stars.
The Plain-Belly Sneetches had none upon thars.

Kittie’s creation to show how she’s feeling today

I want to read… and write… Not necessarily Dr. Seuss… higher, more intellectual…

But lately here on Medium, I only have stars in my eyes.

And not the real ones.

It’s those stars on everyone’s pieces.

When the Star-Belly children went out to play ball,
Could a Plain Belly get in the game? Not at all.
You only could play if your bellies had stars

They are a bit frustrating.

I really want to keep up with all of you, but my “rice noodle and nonGMO treats free of everything that’s good” budget doesn’t let me play the friends of Medium game.

Am I the only one not in the star club?

How do I find others who don’t play well in Medium’s star club?

Then, when every last cent of their money was spent,
The Fix-It-Up Chappie packed up. And he went.
And he laughed as he drove In his car up the beach,
“They never will learn. No. You can’t teach a Sneetch!”

Does anyone remember the point of the Sneetches story by Dr. Seuss? Or do I need to learn how to filter to avoid the stars… at least until I can afford more than rice noodles and nonGMO treats free of everything that’s good?

But McBean was quite wrong. I’m quite happy to say.
That the Sneetches got really quite smart on that day.
The day they decided that Sneetches are Sneetches.
And no kind of Sneetch is the best on the beaches.
That day, all the Sneetches forgot about stars and whether
They had one, or not, upon thars.



Kittie Phoenix
Kittie Phoenix, the Next Edition

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