Prayer of a Dumb Sheeple

Kittie Phoenix
Kittie Phoenix, the Next Edition
2 min readDec 17, 2017

And I will give you [spiritual] shepherds after My own heart [in the final time], who will feed you with knowledge and understanding and judgment.

Jeremiah 3:15, Amplified Bible, Classic Edition

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Oh, Lord!

I hunger.
I thirst.
I need.
I want.

To be fed,
To be led,
To be guided,
To be understood.

Not out of force,
Not out of power.

Out of your Mind,
Out of your Heart,
Out of your Spirit.

Where have all the shepherds gone?
Where have all the shepherds wandered?

They’ve been subverted;
They’ve walked away
And turned into soldiers, sailors, teachers, laywers, bankers.

Without good shepherds, the flock scatters.
Rams tear ewes with horns;
Ewes chew on each other;
Lambs are either forgotten or sacrificed to appease sick rams and ewes.

Without good shepherds,
The flock sickens,
Descends into madness,
And submits to spiritually dark chaos.

The sheep have failed.
They ignored Your voice through good shepherds.
They failed to circle good shepherds with love, obedience, and a reasonable audience.

Strike us with a staff formed by the Sword of the Spirit.
Set our hearts on straight and true paths.
Give us once again good shepherds after Your heart
To teach us to hear Your voice and lead us back to You.



Kittie Phoenix
Kittie Phoenix, the Next Edition

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