Restoring Education: Praying Nehemiah 4

Kittie Phoenix
Kittie Phoenix, the Next Edition
1 min readMay 7, 2018

Based loosely on Nehemiah 4:4, 14 , 19 (ESV)

Hear us, O God, for we are often despised.

Parents don’t support us, the administration tries to improve teaching through methods created by those who have never been in a classroom, and the government institutes standards that are hard for many of our students to achieve.

Bless them in a way that closes their mouths and ceases their criticisms. Help them see how their actions tie our hands and bind our minds, plundering the educational system and making it hard to guide our students toward the skills and knowledge of a modern economy.

Help us see the administrators, government officials, and parents as Your children while we serve them and You by teaching the young. Help us encourage and strengthen them as we live to teach while we serve You. Let us lead them away from fear to courage. Even if they don’t serve You, let them see You in us as we stand and let You fight for our nation, for us, for our co-workers, and for our students.

We know this is a hard labor that spreads from shore to shore and generation to generation. We are separated by schedules, ideologies, philosophies, and methodologies that leave us distanced from each other and offended by each other. You, oh Lord, are greater than all those ideas and feelings and can bind us together in one accord with unity of purpose.



Kittie Phoenix
Kittie Phoenix, the Next Edition

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