Restoring Education: Praying Nehemiah 6 & 7

Kittie Phoenix
Kittie Phoenix, the Next Edition
1 min readMay 14, 2018

Based loosely on Nehemiah 6:9 (NKJV), 16 (TLV); 7:2 (ESV)

Lord, silence those who hate teachers and education. Let us not hear the enemy whispering through them, “You’re weak, you’re powerless, there’s too much, they can’t learn, you’re never finished, you’re doing it wrong.” Strengthen our hands, hearts, minds, and souls, O Lord, as we try to do Your will on earth while You accomplish Your will in the heavenlies.

When the enemies of America hear of our love for the Lord and our love for our co-workers and students, may they grow fearful and lose their self-image, self-worth, and self-respect. May they realize that all we do is done for the honor and glory of Jesus and the work and progress we make is accomplished by God alone.

Lord, let us remember that you place all authorities in power. You through our administration give us our classrooms and students. Help us trust our administration to do Your will in our assignments. Help us strive for excellence in being faithful to our professional obligations and serving You in our students with the ethics and persona that resonate reverential awe for You.



Kittie Phoenix
Kittie Phoenix, the Next Edition

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