Restoring Education: Praying Nehemiah 9 (Part 2)

Kittie Phoenix
Kittie Phoenix, the Next Edition
2 min readMay 24, 2018

Based loosely on Nehemiah 9: 19–20 (ESV), 27–31 (ESV), 32–33 (TLV), 38 (ESV)

O Lord, You are merciful. Help us remember that You don’t forsake us, even as we wander in the wilderness of mandated standards and unfunded mandates and massive legal protections for our students. You give us Your Holy Spirit Who is so good to guide us through this maze, teaching us and instructing us and feeding our souls so we can pour goodness, wisdom, and knowledge into our students. Satisfy our hunger for righteous and slake our thirst for holiness.

Even when we fall and fail, please don’t treat us as in the Old Testament, turning us over to Your enemies. Protect us. Help us suffer with a right attitude. Help us believe You hear us when we are troubled by a perplexing class dynamic or angered by a misguided parent. Keep our feet on the path of Your Word. Don’t let us turn against You. Don’t abandon us to those who despise teachers and knowledge; don’t let us be led by administrators who refuse Your will. Protect us from presumption, pride, and willful disobedience. Bear with us; make us sensitive to the warnings of the Holy Spirit, even when it’s a silent nudge. Let us hear and obey Your Word so we don’t fall into the Enemy’s plans.

When we fall and fail, your great mercy will not fail us. You don’t wipe us out or forsake, abandon, and reject us. You are full of grace and mercy.

God, you are might and awesome. You keep the promises in Your Word and show great mercy. Please do not let our prayers and trials seem small in Your eyes. You have been righteous and faithful to us throughout our entire career. Even when we sin, You are faithful.

Because of this, we confirm Your Word is true. We will seek to honor it in season and out before all we serve.



Kittie Phoenix
Kittie Phoenix, the Next Edition

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