Tortoise or Hare — Which?

Kittie Phoenix
Kittie Phoenix, the Next Edition
1 min readMay 23, 2017

You have hair,
You have ears,
You must be a hare.
Go, hare, go.
Not there, not there.
Come on, hare.
Run, run, run.
Give up — that’s not the dream.
You only have a life if you win.

Dreams fade, hope dies, quitting looms…

Yet I look in the mirror.
The mask fell off.
I’m not a hare.
I don’t go, go, go.
I don’t run, run, run.
My dream is my dream; I won’t quit.
I can win even if I’m slow.

I have a shell,
And I have scales.
I am a tortoise.
Look, tortoise, look.
Look here, look there, look everywhere.
Go slow, tortoise.
Look, plod, look.
Your dreams wait at the finish line.
Advance slowly to win life again.



Kittie Phoenix
Kittie Phoenix, the Next Edition

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