Zippy Take Over, #7

Kittie Phoenix
Kittie Phoenix, the Next Edition
2 min readSep 19, 2015

I know it’s been a while. I’m sorry… but not sorry enough to put my tail between my legs and hang my head.

I’ve had a rough few months. I don’t know how to talk about it. I’d talk to ‘Zee, but her Dad has been away off and on.

It’s my Mom. She’s not been her usual self. She hasn’t walked me. She doesn’t hold me. It’s only been the last few days that she started petting my head or stroking my ears or hiding my paws when I need to bite and lick them (really wish she wouldn’t do that).

Many nights ago, she went away for a night. When she came back, she smelled like the V-E-T, only the human V-E-T and not just any human V-E-T but a different human V-E-T. She went straight to her bed and rarely got up for days. And her smell was different… it was better and not better, like something was fixed and something was broken.

Sometimes, she grabs her belly like something’s wrong. Other times, she seems okay, almost better than okay; she goes like she’s going to get on all fours with me, but never quite makes it.

I try to get on the bed with her, but my ‘On has been really mean. He won’t let me touch her much, and he makes me go to my bed. I tried to run and jump and sneak up on her, but when I land on the bed, her smell gets really bad and she curls up and doesn’t look at me. It’s only been the last few nights where I could sneak in and put myself across her feet as long as I climb gently.

I’m frustrated. All I want to do is sleep… and eat… but mostly sleep. I wish I could tell my Mom how I feel and what I need. I wish I had figured out all those hand signals so I could have learned other hand signals. I wish ‘On would tell me what I’m doing wrong; I just want to be a good dog so I can stay because this has been a really good place for me to be.

I just don’t understand…

Note from Zippy’s Mom: It’s kind of hard to explain to a boy dog about human hysterectomies and related after care, especially when he’s deaf. I’m on the mend, and in a few weeks, good Lord willing, it’ll all be back to normal chaos for us. He is truly a good dog, and this is his fur-ever home. 🙂

Originally published at on September 19, 2015.



Kittie Phoenix
Kittie Phoenix, the Next Edition

Teacher | Writer | Parent | Spouse | Thinker | Dreamer | Wanderer | Mischief Explorer | Country Mouse (more tags to follow over time)