Kittyhawk Newsletter (October 2016)

Drone Stories @ Kittyhawk
3 min readMay 14, 2017

From the archives :)

Features, Features, Features

Never before has the Kittyhawk platform been evolving at this pace and at this scale. With more activity happening across the web and our mobile apps, not to mention your feedback and support to help guide us, we are pushing a ton of new features that you’ll be seeing this week and in the coming weeks.

It started two weeks ago with a major upgrade to our backend, which is enabling a ton of cool stuff under the hood and that will fuel a lot of the announcements that we have for you today.

Starting with the website — at — today we are now offering weather and airspace data as part of your flight logs. Currently this is only available to premium accounts (Plus and Commercial accounts), but as it has been one of the most requested features, we are excited to offer unlimited, backdated weather. If you’re a premium subscriber, whether you log a flight today or import a flight from last year, we will automatically pull in the local weather and append that to your flight logs.

If you aren’t yet a premium subscriber, now is as good a time as any to give it a shot. If you’re curious, you can use the code “INSIDE” for one free month of premium service — good for both Plus and Commercial subscriptions — which unlocks features across the Kittyhawk platform.

Start your free trial today. 🚀

Elsewhere on the Kittyhawk Platform

The website is just the beginning of our announcements. We recently announced that we now accept log imports from Drone Deploy. You can read more about the news here. We are in the process of integrating with a lot of other import solutions, so a) stay tuned and b) if you have any requests, now is the time to let us know. We are in full dev mode and moving faster than ever to build what our pilots need.

While we just launched on Android last month, we have a spiffy new update that will be rolling out in a few days. This update will include native AirMaps and better profile and account functionality. Make sure you have auto-update on, and when the new version hits, please be sure to leave us a 5-star review :)

As for iOS, all we can say is get ready for a brand new experience. So much has happened and so much functionality has been built into the app since we launched over 15 months ago. Thus, we felt it was time to reengineer and rethink how the app should work. We’re in the final stages of development, and can’t wait to hear you thoughts.

We have even more that we’d like to share, but can’t yet. Stay tuned for next month, and tweet at us and text us if you want the inside scoop : )

Kittyhawk & Policy Making

Josh Ziering, Kittyhawk Co-Founder and our Chief Pilot, represented the company last week in DC at the FAA’s Unmanned Aircraft Safety Team. Sitting alongside DJI, Google, and Amazon, we were excited to be part of the conversation.

While we are still in the early stages of this awesome industry, rest assured that Kittyhawk is working on behalf of our entire community to make sure that we have a clear and reasonable set of rules wherein which we can both operate and thrive as drone operators — both hobbyist and commercial.

Until next month (if not sooner :),
Josh and Jon, Co-Founders

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Drone Stories @ Kittyhawk provides real-time drone operations with tools, apps, and services for elite drone operators and commercial teams.