4 reasons to apply to Kiuas Bootcamp

Laura Tiensuu


Maybe you saw an opportunity, came up with an idea and already started to build something with your friends?

A common problem experienced by many starting entrepreneurs is struggling to find the support needed to bring an idea into reality. What to do next? How to validate the idea? How to find a team, mentors, and customers? After coming up with an idea, the process of starting can feel pretty overwhelming and many could benefit from asking help and getting guidance from experienced professionals. For that purpose we have Kiuas Bootcamp, an idea validation weekend that is here to kick-start your project.

To help you to make up your mind and apply for this fun, educational and inspiring weekend, we put together this four-point list of reasons why you should not hesitate to apply!

1. Validate your idea with professionals.

To be able to validate an idea, it is important to get feedback also from others than just your friends. Brutally honest yet constructive one-on-one feedback sessions with expert coaches will help you to avoid the “idea lock”, a situation where you believe so deeply in your idea that you become blind to all the conflicting messages. If you are the only person who thinks that your idea is good, you might want to reassess. On the other hand, an encouraging assessment from a person of high expertise can provide the needed boost for your confidence.

2. Build up the skills you will need as a new entrepreneur.

As an entrepreneur, you will be facing tons of new challenges outside of your expertise and comfort zone. At Kiuas Bootcamp, you will be learning about market analysis, sales, project management, visibility and idea validation from industry professionals. Getting a good grip of these topics will help you to successfully start taking your project to the next level.

3. Connect with people with killer ideas.

An enthusiastic group of entrepreneurs engenders an abundance of opportunities! Prospects like joint ventures, client leads, partnerships, speaking and writing opportunities, business or asset sales — the list is exhaustive, and the opportunities are endless. This is your chance to be noticed!

4. Become an entrepreneur.

It can be either the happiness of not having to wear a suit or getting to work with your passion, the joy in entrepreneurship comes from different things for different people. In general, it can be the freedom of building something of your own and experiencing the pros and cons of having the complete responsibility for what you are building.

Kiuas Bootcamp is a weekend-long event at Startup Sauna in Espoo on 1–2 December 2018. It consists of workshops led by industry experts, feedback and coaching sessions with the Kiuas coach pool, and networking with people facing the same journey.

Sounds pretty good, right? If this sparked your interest, apply here by 18 November 2018 or read more about the event here.



Laura Tiensuu
Writer for

Entrepreneurship, marketing and mountaineering