The batch of Nordic Roadshow // Sweden is here!

Aleksi Löytynoja
4 min readSep 21, 2018


Nordic Roadshow // Sweden, the second Nordic Roadshow in our three-event series, will take place tomorrow in KTH University, Stockholm. Like the first event in Finland, this Nordic Roadshow will gather together 9 high-growth startups — 3 from Finland, 3 from Sweden and 3 from Denmark — with a dozen leading VC investors around Northern Europe. We wanted to give you the opportunity to be the first to meet the companies!


Mesensei offers a B2B Platform, which cuts the cost of building GDPR compliant private social networks with elegant mobile UX from 120–200.000€ to 3500€. Their solution is to find traction in the startup industry among accelerators, incubators, co-working spaces and with startups building their MVP solutions.

Mesensei has already successfully established pilot project beachheads in Michigan, Cambridge, Madrid and Singapore. Currently, after an intensive summer in Kiuas Accelerator program, they are boosting their marketing, advertising and sales efforts internationally.

Visit their website here!


imagiCase is a company that is creating a tool for creative and tangible programming education, designed together with and focusing on girls’ needs. Their first product is a phone case with embedded LEDs that can be programmed to display any text, design and color through programming with their mobile app.

imagiCase has already launched their MVP and acquired their first paying customers. Currently, they are running paid pilots and recurring user tests to prepare for product launch next year.

Visit their website here!


PackitUp is a social networking app for travellers all around the world. In the app, you can find travel buddies and like-minded people on a map-based interface for short trips, just to meet up and hang out, or for long road trips across continents. The users can browse the map with the trips created by others or create their own trips. The app is already live on iPhone and Android and includes detailed trip descriptions, user profiles and a messenger.

Currently, they are developing their product even further and preparing for scaling up their business and user base.

Visit their website here!


Mapple provides location intelligence service for cities and real estate companies to help them use data to make smarter and faster strategic decisions. They participated Kiuas Accelerator program during the summer and already have a few paying customers, as well as several pending projects with new customer leads.

Currently, they are focusing on testing their solution with paying customers to understand the needs of the industry even better and build the features needed to license out their platform.

Visit their website here and check out their demo here!


Labtrino develops a smart water meter system for residential properties that decimate costs for installation and maintenance with ultrasonic technologies, and uses machine learning to offer individually tailored and pedagogical feedback on hot and cold-water consumption in real-time, to lower it efficiently.

Currently, the company is functioning their meters in lab/testbed environments and finishing their software. The first two orders for their solution are coming later this fall.

Visit their website here!

Insight Academia

Insight Academia is a search engine for academia that is able to visualize the search outcomes as a network of connected entities. Based on the user’s query, they visualize researchers and articles highlighting what’s relevant for the user. Insight Academia helps anyone to find relevant knowledge (academic articles) in just two clicks, keeping the user’s data in one place. Ultimately, the goal is to turn the search engine into an academic social network.

Currently, they have the first prototype of their product ready and are developing their MVP.

Visit their website here!


Dealsign is an easy-to-use online negotiation and contracting service in the cloud. It is a subscription-based (SaaS) legal tech solution for companies negotiating, signing and managing increasing volumes of B2B contracts.

Dealsign already has their product softlaunched and first customers acquired; also, they have two patents filed. Currently, they are focusing on customer validation and product development based on that. In addition, they focus on sales and acquiring more pilot customers.

Visit their website here!


Kreditz is a real-time “credit score” that works internationally. The score is calculated based on income-, spending- and savings patterns from the past 12 months. Consumers are free to share their scores, or request someone else’s, at anytime to verify identity, score or ability to pay without revealing any sensitive details. Kreditz can also be used by financial institutions and other businesses for lending-, subscription- and pre-purchase purposes.

Kreditz already has launched their beta version mobile app in Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway and are about to launch their release version mobile app in Sweden this fall.

Visit their website here!


Strongyou is providing digital workout programs for athletes based on their injury limitations. The goal is to keep athletes in shape when injured. This means that athletes don’t need to spend months on regaining their muscle mass, strength, and flexibility which they lose if they rest.

They have already signed up partnerships with Danish soccer and handball teams to run the second round of MVP testing. Based on the feedback, the product should be finalized for sales during the fall.

Visit their website here!

Do you think that your company should be on this list, too? Now’s your chance: the application period for the third Nordic Roadshow is already open!

The event will be organised in DTU University, Copenhagen, on 8 November, so remember to apply from here before 14 October!



Aleksi Löytynoja
Writer for

Entrepreneurship, startups & finance. Evli Growth Partners, previously Aaltoes & Kiuas