
David Kiwi
Kiwibot / Food delivery robot
1 min readFeb 7, 2019

What’s behind your Kiwi codes for 2/7


Yes, the kiwilovesme $15 USD coupon has been granted to you. Yet our intention is far from just giving away food — this is our first step towards the achievement of our ultimate goal of democratizing the food delivery market:

Companies like Amazon, Robbie or Starship are newer players in a field we’ve been exploring for two years, and we understood it’s not about technology, it’s about the social process around its adoption, and how we make everyone a part of it.

We are stress-testing Kiwi the next 2/7 in order to understand how quick, sharp and efficient we can be, and to assess our increasing need to hire more students and members of the Berkeley community. All in a way that makes sustainable sense.

By breaking the 500 orders in a day mark, we will set a world record and we will gain those resources that will allow us to keep working for a stronger Berkeley, the place that gave us everything.

Help us push the boundaries of the food industry by enjoying your favorite food and spreading the word about this effort. We have a strong position to be protected at all cost because we are certain it is for a greater good.

Don’t hesitate to share this message, even your code — Kiwi is something we’ve built together.

Warmest regards,

David Rodríguez
Head of Business Development
Kiwi Campus Inc.

