Will Google be replaced by ChatGPT?

Jasper Han
Published in
3 min readJan 27, 2023
Photo by Rajeshwar Bachu on Unsplash

ChatGPT should have been used by many more individuals, and it appears to be capable of many amazing things. ChatGPT can always surprise us if we don’t expect the outcome.

Google recently held a large number of meetings on ChatGPT which was invested in by Microsoft. Even the founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin were present for the discussion to talk about ChatGPT’s potential effects on Google’s future. Will ChatGPT impact Google’s future? How ought Google counter ChatGPT?

Google intends to introduce several AI products in the upcoming year. It appears that the age of AI has been predetermined to be the future. Is that the case, though?

I don’t believe ChatGPT will ever take the role of Google. The causes are listed below.

1. According to ChatGPT’s technical basis, these AI products are just mappings from the past to the present that were created using extremely huge databases of information. That is to say, the verified model and output, as well as the information that is already available, are given too much weight by the AI model. Only the enormous scope of data gathering and calculation is tough. Its outcomes are unquestionably the most significant expansion and repetition of already-existing knowledge.

Simply said, if you already have 100 facts that say California is a country, one fact will tell you that California is a state. Then ChatGPT will say to you that California is a country, not a state. Until the number of information about ‘California is a state’ exceeds 100.

As a result, the model’s adjustment rate is quite slow. For instance, if you look at the images created on MidJourney, they are all essentially in the same style. The model’s output will be corrected as a result of this feedback since it ‘thinks’ the outcome is accurate.

And Google’s search function must not only be correct but also meet timeliness. We want to find the most recent results, not a website that was created in 2008. ChatGPT can’t do this.

2. Not all of Google’s usage include finding unanswered questions.

When responding to a question I don’t know the answer to, ChatGPT will outperform expectations; but, when responding to a question I do know the answer to, ChatGPT will underperform.

Additionally, I don’t always ‘search’ on Google. I could look up Notion on Google, but since I already know what it is, I just want to go to the Notion homepage and log in. If I merely enter Notion in ChatGPT, it will not provide me with the desired experience, therefore ChatGPT might not be able to provide me with it.

So Larry and Sergey should not be worried. If it doesn’t work, you can also start a GoogleAIChat, anyway, you only need money to make an AI.

Please send me an email (jasperhanlingyi@gmail.com) if you have any questions or suggestions.

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Jasper Han
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