Discover One Amazing Creator Everyday #Creator20

Anshu Shandilya
Published in
4 min readApr 28, 2021


Welcome Readers,

Today’s story about a creator who keep experimenting with different ideas creatively, a creative nerd who love sharing his learnings and helping people through his knowledge.

Minh is currently working as a Senior Software Engineer at TorusLabs and building his first SaaS product, Notion Tweet(A tool to Write, schedule, and see detailed analytics of your tweets seamlessly on Notion).

Q. What’s the one thing you are most curious about?

A. I have always get curious about, How many people I can reach, how big of a problem I can solve using software and how much value I can create and get from that.

How big of an impact I can create as a person by leveraging all the tools out there like software, social media, creative, etc.

Q. What’s that one thing you want to achieve in 2021?

A. This year, I have planned to Launch 3 products, tweet daily, upload 20 videos to YouTube.

Not exactly one thing, but all of this is under my control.

Q. What’s the one mistake you have done and will advice others not to repeat that?

A. Lots of mistake, hard to say a big one.

The biggest one for me sounds a bit abstract tho: I used to chase a destination a lot, like raise tons of funding from VC, make thousands of dollars per month passively, these things never make me happy and help me be consistent.

Now, I focus only on the lifestyle I do daily, things that are under my control and I feel fulfilled doing. It helps me be consistent and discover what more I can do each day.

Q. What do you love to do when not working? Any hobbies you want to share?

A. Well, lots of projects I do are actually my hobbies, like learning videography, making videos, coding.

But if sth is really outside of those, I’d say dating and singing lol. And watching movies is the last way to passively relax.

Q. What problem you are planning to solve next?

A. Not exactly defined yet. But my focus is the creators/makers market.

Q. Which book you are reading these days? Which Genre excites you the most?

A. I don’t read much honestly😅. If I do, I only read non-fiction sometimes.

I want to improve but barely find the time. I prefer Audible and podcast. Most fav recently is The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck.

Q. What’s the one thing you liked about the book “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck”?

A. Most of what consumed our energy is because we care or are scared of (give a fuck about) things that don’t have any meaning to ourselves.

We have the ability to choose what to give a fuck about and ignore all the rest.

Q. Which book/concept has influenced you the most in how you live your life?

A. This is a hard one. Because I don’t take a single book or concept so seriously: “it changed my life” or sth like that.

I just try and experiment with a mix of different things and adapt along the way.

Q. What would you recommend to others who are looking to start their careers in the startup/saas space on how to go about it?

A. “Plan for 3 days, do for 3 months”

What that means is to timebox your planning ~3 days, overthink as much as you want.

Then just do it, don’t overthink, you’ll never until you do it if it fails, let it fail, you’ll learn and discover new opportunity along the way.

Do it for a long amount of time and consistently too, don’t do just like 2 weeks, it’s too short to learn anything.

Q. What’s something you learnt/realized recently that you wish you learnt/realized much earlier?

A. Social media is a super powerful tool for everyone to build an audience and create value for millions, there’s no upside, it’s the second most scalable thing (after software).

Honestly, I wished I knew this 5 yrs ago, then I probably started a Twitter as well as a YouTube channel.

Use your strength to improve your weakness

Q. Suppose there is a big whiteboard in front of you. What’s the first line you would like to write?

A. Honestly I don’t know 😅.

I’m the kind of person who mixes and experiments with different philosophies until a problem is solved, so I’m not really married into any single one-line😛.

Project by Minh

Notion Tweet

A tool to Write, schedule, and see detailed analytics of your tweets seamlessly on Notion.

Notion Tweet Kiwismedia

Insightful Tweets by Minh

Connect with Minh on Twitter

Thanks for reading.

If you know anyone whose story must be shared like Minh, let me know

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